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Journalism and political communication are among the cornerstones of a well-functioning democracy. Research at the Centre for Journalism explores how journalism and political communication are produced, what characterizes the content, and how it affects the recipients and society at large.

We are dedicated to theoretically and empirically investigating the challenges and opportunities journalism and political communication face in a rapidly developing media and information environment in the age of digitalization. We produce research of a high international standard and publish in the highest-ranked and most renowned journals within our field. Our research covers a wide range of topics, including media language, journalistic practices, digitalization, automatization, news consumption, and the effects of both journalism and political communication. Our research is carefully anchored in various methods that can address essential questions within our research fields and includes qualitative methods such as close textual analysis, interviews and ethnographic studies as well as statistical analyses of quantitative data.


Knowledge Dissemination

It is essential for us that the knowledge our research produces makes an impact in society. Therefore, we are committed to disseminating our knowledge to the broader public by writing op-eds and analyses in the press, participating in interviews and debates, and being in dialogue with actors such as journalists and editors, politicians, and organizations, among others. This broad range of interaction with stakeholders ensures that, on one hand, we share relevant knowledge with those who can translate it into action, and on the other hand, that we have a strong sense of the problems and challenges these stakeholders experience in everyday life, and thus what knowledge would be useful to them.



As an important part of our knowledge dissemination, the researchers at the Centre for Journalism teach a wide range of subjects and courses at both our bachelor's and our two master's programs in journalism, as well as in political science education, in the Master of Public Management, and in a number of programs in continuing and further education. The subjects range from scientific method, media language, media sociology, political communication, and management communication.