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Enrolment and employment

Enrolment and employment

In terms of level, your admission to the PhD programme is based on a completed relevant Master’s degree programme or equivalent documented qualifications comprising 300 ECTS points. Enrolment in the PhD programme presupposes that you have completed your Master’s degree programme with a convincing result – that is, with marks in the upper half of the marking scale. Your Master’s degree programme must in particular document research abilities, and therefore special emphasis is placed on the result of your Master’s thesis and other advanced independent educational elements, as well as relevant methodology courses.

You can apply for enrolment even if you do not yet meet the conditions above. However, enrolment presupposes that the requirements are met at the time of enrolment.

If you have a different educational background and have acquired the necessary academic prerequisites, you can also enrol. However, special academic requirements may be required before enrolment or parallel with your study programme.

Enrolment in the PhD programme presupposes that a fellowship has been awarded or that a financing agreement has been entered into.

As a student, you can enrol in the PhD programme if you have completed qualifying exams that correspond to a 3-year Danish Bachelor’s degree. In addition, you must have passed subjects corresponding to 60 ECTS points of a master’s degree programme. All of this presupposes that a fellowship has been awarded under the 4+4 scheme. 

Last Updated 27.07.2024