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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

FAQ about enrollment

The first thing you need to do is to find;

The Graduate School cannot help you with the contact to a potential Main Supervisor. If you need more information or help, please contact the relevant SDU Health Sciences department:

Department of Clinical Research (KI)

Department of Forensic Medicine (RI)

Department of Molecular Medicine (IMM)

Department of Psychology (IP)

Department of Public Health (IST)

Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics (IOB)

Department of Regional Health Research (IRS)

National Institute of Public Health (SIF)

For a PhD at another Faculty at SDU please see this website


You can be enrolled as a PhD student at the Graduate School of Health Sciences when your project has been accepted for enrolment.

See more about the application procedure here.

When your project has been approved, you will receive a link to the enrolment form.

If you have worked on your PhD project prior to your enrolment, you can apply for credit transfer.

The application must account for:

  • Number of ECTS obtained
  • Stay(s) at other research environment(s)
  • Knowledge dissemination
  • Status on inclusion, if relevant
  • Manuscripts and published articles

Please include a Gantt chart or other visual overview of the elements of the project.

You can find the application form here.

The application must be sent to the Graduate School, together with the enrolment form.

When your project has been approved, you can send in the enrollment form to

Do to the regulations regarding employment contracts, The Graduate School needs the enrollment form and documentation for financing at least 6 weeks before the desired start date (For non-EU citizens please add an extra 4 weeks).


Please note, that it is not possible to backdate the enrolment. If you have already started your project, please include an application for credit transfer to your enrolment form (you can find the form here).

Along with the enrolment form, you need to have documented financing of your PhD project. The financing must cover your salary, the project’s running costs and the tuition fee.

Documentation can either be a grant notification letter, or a signed document, stating that there are sufficient funds for your project. The documents must be signed by the grant provider or the main supervisor. The document must include the name of the PhD student and project title.

It is important that the there is documentation for all three years.

You can read more about how to finance your PhD here. 

You need to have documented financing of your PhD project. The financing must cover your salary, the project’s running costs and the study fee.

If you have funding for two years, we accept a deficit guarantee for the last year. This must clearly state who is responsible for funding the last year, and must be signed by your main supervisor and financial responsible. 

You can read more about financing  here.

You can be employed at SDU for part of, or the entire period of your enrolment.

If you receive a faculty scholarship, you have to be employed at SDU for that year. Faculty scholarships must always be used in year 1, unless otherwise approved by the Graduate School.

You will be employed as a PhD fellow in accordance with the AC protocol and will be placed on step 4-8 of the common-academic scale depending on your seniority (calculated from the date of your qualifying examination).

After enrolment, you will receive an employment contract from the Personnel Office at SDU. 

If you are employed elsewhere, they are responsible for your employment, salary and contract. 

It is up to you and your main supervisor to decide where you will be employed during your employment.

As a PhD student, you will be affiliated with both a  department and a research unit at SDU. Your affiliation will be the same as your main supervisor's. 

The study fee is DKK 62,500 per year, in total DKK 187,500.

If you receive a faculty scholarship, this includes study fee for the first year. 

The study fee will be charged once a year in November/December. 

The study fee will not exceed DKK 187,500, regardless of part time enrolment or extensions.  

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 19.10.2023