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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

Undergraduate Scholarships from Novo Nordisk Foundation

Criteria for applying

Application guidelines

There are no upcoming calls for applications!

We are currently waiting for more information from NNF regarding the next application round. As soon as we know more, the dates will be published!


There are two application rounds each year

If you wish to start the grant period on 1st August, the deadline is 20th February.

If you wish to start the grant period on 1st January, the deadline is 31st of July. (Please note that the dates in the Fall 2024 application round is different, the application deadline is September 9th 2024)

Payment of the grant must be started within 12 months after the earliest starting date.  

After the deadlines the applications will be sent to the assessors.

When all applications have been assessed, applicants will be notified about whether or not they have been awarded a grant.

Applications from AU will be assessed by assessors at KU and vice versa.

Applications from AAU will be assessed by assessors at SDU and vice versa.

All applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • The quality of the project
  • The applicant’s research and supervision experience, and the quality of the research environment that the student will be exposed to and trained in
  • The student’s motivation, dedication, and qualifications to take part in the research project

The grants are administrated by each university, and recipients must therefore follow the rules and guidelines from their respective university.

Please contact your university if you have any questions regarding payout.

The grant is personal, and cannot be transfered to another student or project.

For questions regarding eligibility, study programmes and payout, please contact your university:

For general information about the call and the application process, please contact


Application link

Ready to submit your application for a NNF scholarship? (Please be patient, the page takes several seconds to open)

Apply here


Frequently asked questions about NNF Scholarships

Read more

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 19.10.2023