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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

Application for enrollment

Please note! Do to new regulations regarding employment contracts, The Graduate School now needs the enrollment form and documentation for financing at least 6 weeks before the desired start date.


Fill out the different boxes with the relevant information about the student, supervisor and the project.

Please only fill in this box if you will be employed at SDU during your enrolment. 

You need to fill in start and end dates, sources of finance and account information. 

  • If your funding is located in an SDU account, we need an SDU account number. Please note that we need the whole number and not just analyse or project number. 
  • Please contact the financial officer responsible from your SDU department for more information. Send an e-mail to, please state your SDU department in your e-mail.
  • If the funding is in an account outside of SDU, please let us know where to send the invoice. We need EAN and CVR number and contact and department information (including address), and OUH account number, if it is an account on OUH. The more specific the better.
  • If you have received a Faculty Scholarship please contact for information about the SDU account, please state your SDU department in your e-mail.

In this box you must state information regarding your enrolment and employment


If you choose any other type of PhD program than 'ordinary PhD' - please include documentation (e.g. with an Industrial PhD). Please state the desired start- and end date of the PhD project. (Please note that due to the regulations regarding employment contracts, The Graduate School needs the enrollment form and documentation for financing at least 6 weeks before the desired start date (For non-EU citizens please add an extra 4 weeks for processing)).

Please also state any part time, leave of absence and so on (if you already know them, otherwise you can also apply for this doing the enrolment). Under working hours please state the hours you will be working on the PhD project (not working hours elsewhere!).


You will also need to inform the Graduate School of your employment during your enrolment. 

  • If you receive a Faculty Scholarship or your financing is in a SDU account, you will need to be employed at SDU while using those funds.
  • If your funding is not in a SDU account, you are free to choose your place of employment.
  • You don't have to be employed at the same place for all 3 years.


If you are to be employed at SDU, please fill in the box 'Employment at SDU', and make sure to fill out the 'Personal Data Form for New Employees' at the end of the Enrolment form. The Graduate School will then make the application for employment for you to SDU HR.


Please include information of how your PhD is financed (read more about financing).

You have to include signed documentation that you are fully financed, this can be e.g.:

  • Grant letters - if the grant is given to the PhD student, make sure that the name of the student is in the documentation and that we can see how much is covered.
  • Grant letters - if the grant is given to e.g. the main supervisor, we will need both the grant letter and a statement from the grant recipient saying that the money have been secured for the project of  the specific student. 
  • Faculty scholarship - please send in the official documentation of approval from the Graduate School
  • Letters/ statements from departments (e.g. hospital departments, SDU research groups) please do not use the word guarantee  - except if it is for the deficit guarantee (maximum one year)

It is important that the documents match the information in the boxes, and that it is clearly stated who is responsible for the funding, and  that there are sufficient funds available.

Please fill in the information regarding payment of your study fee. 

  • If your funding is located in an SDU account, we need an SDU account number. Please note that we need the whole number and not just analyse or project number. 
  • Please contact the financial officer responsible from your SDU department for more information. Send an e-mail to, please state your SDU department.
  • If the funding is in an account outside of SDU, please let us know where to send the invoice. We need EAN and CVR number and contact and department information (including address), and OUH account number, if it is an account at OUH. The more specific the better.
  • If you have received a Faculty Scholarship you do not have to provide payment information for the year

This part of the enrolment form is information for Statistics Denmark. 

All PhD students enrolled  at Danish Universities must provide information for Statistics Denmark in connection to the enrolment, and after obtaining the PhD degree. 

More information can be found here.

Please answer the questions regarding systematic reviews 

A part of the enrolment form is the PhD plan. The PhD plan must include the following points:


When the enrolment procedure has been completed and you have been enrolled in the PhD program, this plan is simultaneously accepted.

Your PhD plan is not set in stone and can be changed during your study. These changes should be stated in the half-yearly progress reports.

You need to uptain all signatures on the enrolment form before sending it to the Graduate School. 

The form must be signed by:

  • You
  • Your main supervisor
  • Head of research unit at SDU (forskningsenhed) 
  • Head of department  at SDU(institutleder)

Please ask your main supervisor or SDU department for more information.

If you are to be employed at SDU please fill out this document needed for the Staff Office. If you have any questions regarding this please contact


The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 13.09.2024