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The Graduate School of Health Sciences


A faculty scholarship consists of one year's salary and one year's study fee. 

You can apply for a faculty scholarship when your project has been approved by the Graduate School. 

4 times a year, you can apply for a scholarship from the Faculty of Health Sciences.


  • 1st of March
  • 1st of June
  • 1st of September
  • 1st of December

The Dean of the Faculty decides the allocation of the scholarships on the basis of recommendations from a scholarship committee that consists of the heads of the Faculty’s eight departments.

All applicants will receive a reply by the end of the month in which they apply.

Application requirements

  • You need documentation for the secured financing of two years’ salary, two years’ tuition fees and a minimum of 50% of the running costs. Please note that only one year may consist of a guarantee. 
  • The student and the project must have been approved by the Graduate School.

Please be aware that you cannot apply for a scholarship if you are already enrolled as a PhD student. 

How to apply

You can find the form to apply  for the 1-year Faculty scholarship on the page "Forms, guidelines and regulations"
Please send this to The Graduate School at

Scholarship placement

The Faculty scholarship must be used to finance the first year of the PhD. If economic considerations makes this impossible, please contact the Graduate School prior to submitting your enrolment form.

The approval of your application for a Faculty scholarship is valid for one year. If you have not commenced your PhD study period within one year from the date of the approval of your application for a scholarship, the approval will be withdrawn without further notice. Note that you can reapply if this happens.

If you have full financing for all three years, you can be enrolled.

When sending the enrolment form to the Graduate School, you must include documentation that you are fully financed. This means that you need to have signed documents stating that three years of salary, three years of tuition fees, and at least 50 % of your working/running expenses are secured.

If you wish to be enrolled before you have achieved full funding of your PhD project, you can do so when you have financing for at least 2 years, and a signed deficit guarantee for the last year.
It is not possible to be enrolled without guaranteed funding for all thee years.

Your enrolment can be extended if you take maternity/paternity leave during your enrolment. 

If you are employed at SDU, the extension will be paid by the source of finance who is paying when you start your leave.

Your enrolment can also be extended in case of long term sickness (more than 30 days).  If you are employed at SDU, your main supervisor and Head of Department at SDU, must agree on how to finance the extension. 

If you are employed elsewhere, please contact your place of employment for more information. 

The study fee is DKK 62,500 per year, in total DKK 187,500.

No exemptions for payment of tuition fees can be granted, but if you receive a faculty scholarship, it covers the study fee for one year.

There is no general estimate as to the size of running costs, but it may be a sizable amount within the medical, biomedical and biotechnological areas, where a project may involve payment to patients or test subjects, procurement and housing of laboratory animals, use of reagents and laboratory apparatus, help from technicians etc.

Your main supervisor or the research environment should help you to procure the necessary equipment for your project.

Southern Denmark Research Support provides support and advice for researchers wishing to find and apply for external research funds, as well as financing of PhD projects.

Find more information here.

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 19.10.2023