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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

Before applying FAQ

This checklist is intended to be used during the planning of your research year. For detailed information on the application process, please see How to apply.

Please make sure you meet your Masters's programme’s criteria for being admitted to the Master's thesis semester. If you do not meet the criteria, you must obtain a dispensation from the study board before you begin your research year.

These are the requirements The Graduate School is informed of. If your Marster's programme is not here, please contact Faglig Vejleder or the sectary of your Master's programe for more information:


  • Det pregraduate forløb skal ligge  efter 2. semester, enten før eller efter Studieophold.
  • Der skal være bestået 30 ECTS på kandidatuddannelsen, hvis de laver 45 ECTS speciale
  • De skal være  bestået 45 ECTS på kandidatuddannelsen, hvis de laver 30 ECTS speciale


Folkesundhedsvidenskab Odense

  • Anbefaling af plan for pregraduate forløb: 3. semester i efteråret  - Orlov i foråret  - Speciale i efteråret
  • Man kan ikke blive tilmeldt specialet – og dermed ikke et prægraduat forskningsår – før man har bestået 60 ECTS. Vi anbefaler, at man har bestået 90 ECTS


Public Health Esbjerg

  • Anbefaling af plan for pregraduate forløb: 3. semester i efteråret  - Orlov i foråret  - Speciale i efteråret
  • Man kan ikke blive tilmeldt specialet – og dermed ikke et prægraduat forskningsår – før man har bestået 60 ECTS. Vi anbefaler, at man har bestået 90 ECTS.



  • Ved prægraduat orlov i forårssemestre gælder:
    • Orlovsperioden ligger fra februar  til juni
    • 5. semesters specialesemester ligger i det efterfølgende efterårssemester
    • Indgangskrav: Studerende skal have bestået mindst 80 ECTS på kandidatuddannelsen, herunder begge ordinære klinikophold på K4 og K7, inden påbegyndelse af 5. semesters specialesemester, det vil sige senest ved udgangen af august måned. Da man ikke må modtage undervisning på kandidatuddannelsen under ens orlov, er det vigtigt, at man i god tid inden ansøgning om både godkendelse af forskningsårsprojekt og orlov sikrer sig, at man kan nå at leve op til indgangskravet


  • Ved prægraduat orlov i efterårssemestre gælder:
    • Orlovsperioden ligger fra september til januar 
    • 5. semesters specialesemester ligger i det efterfølgende forårssemester
    • Indgangskrav: Studerende skal have bestået mindst 80 ECTS på kandidatuddannelsen, herunder begge ordinære klinikophold på K4 og K7, inden påbegyndelse af 5. semesters specialesemester, det vil sige senest ved udgangen af januar måned. Da man ikke må modtage undervisning på kandidatuddannelsen under ens orlov, er det vigtigt, at man i god tid inden ansøgning om både godkendelse af forskningsårsprojekt og orlov sikrer sig, at man kan nå at leve op til indgangskravet

How your research year should be  planned, depends on your Master's programme.

Usually, you will have leave of absence during the first period of your research year. Find more information about planning your research year.

Your project proposal must be made in collaboration with a supervisor who is willing to guide you through your research project and the research year. Your supervisor must be a senior researcher at the Faculty of Health Sciences (ass. professor or professor).

You may also have one or more co-supervisors. Co-supervisors can be other senior researchers or PhD students.

The project proposal should account for:

  • Thesis/purpose/hypothesis
  • Methods and materials (extent of material, number of measurements, extent of journal data)
  • Ethics
  • Timeline (project and sub-projects, courses, dissemination activities, writing of manuscript)
  • Feasibility (Are the necessary facilities available? Can the project be completed in one year? Is your role in the project clearly described?)
  • Name of your supervisor(s)
  • References

Your project proposal should not exceed 4 pages, excluding references. It should be written in English or in one of the Scandinavian languages.

You and your supervisor must make sure that you have the necessary funding, including running costs such as travel expenses and materials.

Read more about funding.

As a student researcher you may participate in up to three PhD courses offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences. Please discuss your choice of PhD courses with your supervisor. There will be no course fee for your course participation.

You may also participate in other PhD courses, but you may then have to pay a course fee.

Unfortunately, the Graduate School does not offer subsidies for research year student's course participation.

Please discuss with your supervisor if you need approvals from e.g. the Regional Research Ethics Committee. These approvals must be in place before you begin your research year.

Your undergraduate research year may be combined with a stay abroad. Whether you'll do field work in Ethiopia or visit a research group at MIT is up to you and your supervisor, as long as it is relevant for your research project.

Your main supervisor must be a researcher at The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, but you can have a co-supervisor from another university or instituion abroad.

You'll need money for travel expenses, living expenses while you're away from home, visas, vaccination etc. These expenses should be accounted for in your research project budget as part of the project's running costs.

Unfortunately, the Graduate School does not offer financial support for these expenses, so you and your supervisor will have to get the funding elsewhere.

In some cases the undergraduate research year as described here is not a viable solution.

Particularly, this is the case for students who have received a 12-month scholarship from a grantor who does not allow the recipient to participate actively in a master’s programme while using the grant.

In these cases it may be possible to go through a full undergraduate research year without including a master’s thesis semester.

Please contact the Graduate School for further information.

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 19.10.2023