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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

Research stay and study abroad

The University of Southern Denmark aspires to increase both national and international research collaborations. In this endeavor, a change of research environment, preferably abroad, is a mandatory part of the PhD education at the Graduate School of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark. It is up to the PhD-student in collaboration with their main supervisor to find a suitable research environment abroad.


The purpose of the stay should be to initiate new research relations or gain or provide insight to new research methods.


During the stay, you could aim to: 

  • Benefit from the host research institution’s knowledge and experience of relevance to your PhD project
  • Disseminate knowledge by presenting own research and/or teaching PhD project-related skills 
  • Establish new collaborations and develop research network.
  • Participate actively in the research environment to gain insight into a different research organization and culture 

For documentation of the stay the Research Stay application must be signed by the host institution, the PhD student and the main supervisor. To register your external research stay, please send the signed form to along with the invitation letter from the host institution and a statement from the main supervisorYou can find the form here


For PhD students enrolled from 1st of March 2023

Please note that the duration of the stay must be a minimum of 10 workdays in order to be approved by the Graduate School as an external research stay. The 10 days may be divided in to 2 x 5 days and may take place in more than one location.

(Participation in courses, conferences and stays at other SDU or OUH departments or institutions do not count as an external research stay). 


Dispensation from the rules regarding the duration of the external stay can be given in certain circumstances. Please contact the Graduate School for more information.


If you which to apply for a grant to cover some of you costs for the Research Stay, please see next section. You can send in both the application for academic approval and the application for a grant at the same time.


For insurance purposes, please make sure to contact the International Staff Office at SDU ( before leaving Denmark.

See more here

The Graduate School grants applicants full or partial support as follows:

  • Travelling expenses to the host location and back with public transportation on standard class
  • A maximum amount for accommodation of 250 DKK per night, for up to 14 nights. This amounts to 3500 DKK if you are away for 14 nights or more
  • The maximum The Graduate School can cover in total for your expenses regarding the Research Stay is DKK 20.000 (for both transport and accommodation) and you can only apply for this once.
  • The Graduate School do not cover: Living expenses, daily transportation, food, telephone etc.


Please note that the you will need the academic approval of the Research Stay before a grant can be given. 

All support is issued personally to the applicant and must be fully documented, when applying for reimbursement through Z-expense. Please note that the Graduate School do not grant subsidies to courses and a Research Stay during the same period. It should be possible to plan your courses around your Research Stay

You apply by sending an e-mail with application form to You can send in both the application for academic approval and the application for a grant at the same time. You can find the form here

Please remember to apply in due time before your planned departure. You will not get your expenses covered if you have not applied before your departure.

You will have to order any plane tickets, foreign train tickets, and hotel (if any) through CWT.

IMPORTANT!: Ask that all invoices have the FU-number (from you subsidy letter) written on them

Ask for the tickets to be sent directly to your own work address.

Please note that you need to have a CWT-profile to be able to order. In order to get a profile, please contact your SDU department, who also can help  you with any questions regarding the use of CWT.

Expenses other than those arranged through CWT must be settled through the University's electronic travel expense system (zExpense). The Travel Office will then take care of the final reimbursement.

In case you need assistance with zExpense, please contact your SDU department secretary or the Travel Office (, +45 6550 2020).

The settling of accounts has to be completed as soon as possible, no later than 8 days after your return.

There is no requirement that you will have to use CWT if you are not employed at SDU. You are free to use, a hospital department system, or something third:

  • Train tickets within Denmark, please use DSB - buy them yourself and use zExpense to be reimbursed
  • Plane tickets and/or foreign train tickets: Please buy them yourself and get reimbursed through zExpense, note that tickets must be standard class to be reimbursed.
  • Hotels abroad: Please book them yourself and get reimbursed through zExpense.
  •  Hotels in Denmark: please contact for aid in booking
  •  IMPORTANT!: Ask that all invoices have the FU-number (from you subsidy letter) written on them
  • Ask for the tickets to be sent directly to your own work address.

Please settle your travel account as soon as possible after your return, no later than 8 days, by using zExpense ( – please ask your SDU department secretary if you need help with the system.

  • Please add the FU-number, attach scans of the original documents/receipts and a copy of this subsidy letter.
  • Please make sure to use Omkostningssted 19000 and omk godkender Tina Ludvig-Nymark.






The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 04.07.2024