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Double degrees

Double degrees

Cooperation on a PhD programme between the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences and another University.

On this page, you will find information about the possibilities for cooperation agreements with foreign universities for the PhD programme – so-called double degrees. The following information on the page is most relevant to the departments, but here you have the opportunity to stay updated about the process of double degrees. 

In connection with the department's considerations regarding the initiation of a collaboration agreement with a foreign university regarding a PhD course, the PhD School’s secretariat must be contacted with respect to any clarification of formal requirements. In this regard, the institute should in particular consider/clarify the following:

1.      Which institution should be the primary enrolment institution (read more about this below)

2.      How long the enrolment period must be (if a 4-year (or more) programme is desired, the primary enrolment institution must be the foreign university, and this must be possible according to the foreign institution’s national rules)

3.      Agreement on assessment, defence and PhD certificate (including the composition of the assessment committee, possibly pre-defence, etc.)


Agreements on binding cooperation on a PhD programme with a foreign institution – double degrees

The PhD School at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences may issue double PhD degrees to PhD students who have acquired qualifications that can be equated with a Danish PhD programme, if a mutually binding cooperation with a foreign institution on PhD education has been entered into, including study periods, assessment, defence, degree issuance etc. (cf. proclamations in section 15 (3) and section 23 (3-5)). This applies both when the PhD school at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences is the primary institution and the PhD student completes a study period at the collaborating institution as well as in cases where the foreign collaborating institution is the primary institution and the PhD student completes a study period at the University of Southern Denmark.

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Last Updated 27.07.2024