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The winners was announced today at our Write Your Future Online Gala, Monday June 06!  

The radio program "Kulturen på P1" (Culture at P1, Danish national radio) was subsequently visited by the winner, the political science student Cæcilie Voetmann, who had written the story "Styrkeprøve" (Test of Strength ). You can hear her read an excerpt from the radio program here: (jump to 26:30 for the feature on Write Your Future.

The winning story - and the 2nd and 3rd place + the top 10  stories is available on this page: The Winners.


From March 17th to May 3rd, we encourage all students at SDU to join a Citizen Science-experiment: Write a short story that depicts a typical day in the year 2025. What societal, technological, environmental, or other changes will affect your daily life only a few years from today?  

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered our daily routines: work, leisure, and even trips to the local supermarket do not take the same forms they once did. Will things eventually return to normal – or will the pandemic have changed life as we knew it? What would a ‘new normal’ look like?  

One of the many qualities of fiction is that it allows us to "test-live" different lives. This experiment brings together the predictive powers of speculative writing with crowd sourcing to envision the future and understand where we might be heading.  

Lend us your voice  
Write a short story of maximum 1,200 words (roughly 2 pages) that depicts a typical day in your life in the year 2025. The short story can be about anything you like (such as a meeting, a conversation, or a trip) but should reflect how you imagine societal, technological, environmental or other changes will affect your daily life only a few years from today.   

We encourage all students at SDU to participate and welcome short stories in both Danish and English.  
Share your story here

Award of 5,000 DKK for the best short story 
A panel of students and researchers from the 5 faculties of SDU will evaluate the short stories based on their imaginative insights into how major societal trends might play out on the individual level. 

The panel will select 3 winners:  

  • 1st prize: 5,000 DKK  
  • 2nd prize: 3,000 DKK  
  • 3rd prize: 2,000 DKK  

All the short stories will be published online at the Citizen Science website as the “Write Your Future” fiction collection. 

The three winners will also get the chance to co-author an op-ed for the newspaper Politiken, which will summarize how students imagine the future and how these imaginations may guide future policies. 

All participants are invited to a virtual celebration, where we will award the winners and listen to readings of selected short stories.  

Project partners:

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Last Updated 27.07.2024