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Collection of samples for 2024: August 5 - Oct 20 (weeks 32-42)

In Denmark, there are numerous lakes and ponds – around 200,000 in total. Large and small, clean and dirty, natural and human-made. Due to nutrients etc. from their surroundings many of the lakes have poor water quality, which causes problems such as algae growth and poor living conditions for animals and plants. Climate changes also affect the lakes, but only a minor part of the lakes are regularly inspected, therefore we know very little about a lot of the Danish lakes. 

Scientists at SDU wish to change that to learn more about how we best protect our environment and nature.  

The project seeks to gain more knowledge on the water quality in different types of lakes: How is the water quality in our natural lakes, gravel pits, marl pits, rainwater basins, moats, village ponds etc., and how does the climate changes affect these? To gather enough knowledge on the subject the scientists need help from citizens to collect water samples in as many lakes as possible. 

The project includes pupils from primary school, high schools and citizens, and runs from August 17th - October 18th 2020. 

A wide range of biological topics are researched and taught at the Department of Biology, from basic issues about the development of life on earth to relevant societal problems such as climate changes and the effect of nutrients and environmental substances on our nature. 

You can read more about the Department of Biology here.  
The researchers behind this project come from the ecology group that investigates marine life and freshwater.

Listen to  GREEN VISIONS - GREEN IDEAS's Podcast about the project here.

The project is part of Associate Professor Sara Egemose's research.

 See more about her research at


Mediapartner: Fyens Stiftstidende -

Last Updated 27.07.2024