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Approval of Course Programme and Courses

The course programme forms part of your PhD plan and must be approved by the PhD committee. It will often be impossible to plan a course programme in full detail, as research courses are frequently offered at relatively short notice. Therefore, it is up to you and your principal supervisor to regularly find relevant courses in order for your PhD plan to be fulfilled.

Applications for approval of complete course activities at the PhD School in connection with your PhD plan and your regular evaluations must be made using a special form. Your application will then be considered by the PhD committee.

There may be specific requirements for the composition of course programmes in the individual subject areas, including a requirement for the inclusion of certain courses in your course programme.

Your overall course programme is reported finally in connection with the concluding principal supervisor’s evaluation.

Please note: When applying for STADS courses (e.g. graduate courses), your principal supervisor must confirm your participation in the course. The confirmation is sent upon registration to Educational Law & Registration.

Form to approval of course activity

Find the form you need to use in order to apply for approval of a completed course activity.

Click here

Last Updated 15.03.2024