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Funen finds Porpoises 

’Funen finds Porpoises’ is a citizen science project where the purpose of the citizens’ engagement is to map the population of porpoises in the sea around Funen. Furthermore, the project focuses on how data and research results can be used in the dialogue with citizens and other participants onwards. The project is a pilot project or a preliminary study to a national Citizen Science project.


The project has an app to collect data: Marine Tracker. The app is developed for both iPhone and Android. Read more about how to download the app and how to contribute to the project here (Only in Danish)


’Funen finds porpoises’ is a partnership between SDU, Fjord&Bælt and DR P4Fyn. The project is interested in a dialogue with organizations and associations such as winter swimmers, yachtsmen, anglers, divers and the like – people who reside on the sea or near the coasts. 


Billede: Colourbox

Articles on the project:

18.06.2019: Hjælp forskerne: Hvor er marsvinene?

Last Updated 27.07.2024