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Formality requirements to your thesis

Layout and print

The cover page of your PhD thesis is fixed and is created by the Graphic Center when submitting your thesis for printing. We recommend printing you PhD thesis in book format. SDU has prepared a template in Word format, complete with fonts, SDU's logo and colours for figures. We strongly encourage you to always start composing your thesis in the template

If you are not using SDU's template

If you started off in A4 format and change your mind, the Graphic Center can adapt your thesis to book format. This means an 80% downscaling of the content. For example will a font size 12 become a font size 10. Please avoid the "US Font" and creating pages in landscape format. You must place page numbers either centered at the bottom of your pages or alternately left and right.  

To avoid as many unforeseen problems as possible, we strongly encourage you to write your PhD thesis in SDU's Templafy template.

Last Updated 15.03.2024