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HEDG Hosts is a series of events being run by the Historical Economics and Development Group at the University of Southern Denmark, where we invite some of the most incisive writers and thinkers - inside and outside academia - to present their work and demonstrate the relevance, and continued impact, of historical developments on contemporary societies.

All sessions will take place on Zoom - chaired and moderated by HEDG's Paul Richard Sharp - and also include a Q&A.

HEDG Hosts

Vincent Geloso - Thursday 18th of April at 11am Danish Time

This delayed event will feature Vincent, Assistant Professor at George Mason University. The topic of his talk is "Good, Bad and Not-Too-Ugly: The Economics of Inequality and Income Mobility".


David Delfs Erbo Andersen - Thursday 14th of March at 11am Danish Time

In this event, we will be speaking with David Delfs Erbo Andersen, Associate Professor at the University of Aarhus.  He will present findings from his new book "Democratization in the Nordic World"

Zoom link to register:

Guido AlfaniThursday 11th April at 11am Danish Time

At this event, we will be treated with a presentation from Guido Alfani, Professor at Bocconi University, Milan. The focus of his presentation is his new book "As Gods Among Men: A History of the Rich in the West".

Zoom link to register:

Simon Hinrichsen - Thursday 2nd May at 11am Danish Time

In the final event of the spring, we will host Simon Hinrichsen, external Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sampension.  The topic of his talk and the title of his newly published book is "When Nations Can't Default: A History of War Reparations and Sovereign Debt".

Zoom link to register:


Recorded talks from previous HEDG Hosts events can be found on our YouTube channel.

Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen

In this event, we will be speaking with Stefan, external lecturer at CBS and Head of Education at Centre for Political Studies (CEPOS). The topic of his talk is "Danish Capitalism in the 20th Century".

Marvin Suesse

In this event, we are hosting Marvin Suesse, Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin and Associate Director for Research at the Centre for Economics, Policy and History (CEPH). The topic of his talk is "The Nationalist Dilemma".

Leandro Prados-de-la-Escosura

Leandro Prados-de-la-Escosura, Emeritus Professor of Economic History at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The topic of his talk is "Human Development and the Path to Freedom".

Regina Lee Blaszczyk

In this event, we are hosting Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Professor of Business History and Leadership Chair in the History of Business and Society at the University of Leeds. The topic of her talk is "Capitalism and the Senses".

Eoin McLaughlin

In this event, we hosted Eoin McLaughlin, Professor of Economics at Heriot-Watt University. He gave a talk on "Why it's not anti-environmental to be in favour of economic growth".

Gregory Clark

In relation to our 12th Annual Workshop on "Growth, History and Development", we welcomed Gregory Clark as our keynote speaker and for HEDG Hosts. His talk was entitled "Rethinking the Industrial Revolution"

Clara Mattei

In this event, we hosted Clara Mattei, Assistant Professor in the Economics Department of the new School for Social Research. She gave a talk about her book "The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism"

Giovanni Federico

In this event, we will be speaking to Giovanni Federico, Professor of Economic History at NYU Abu Dhabi. His talk is entitled "Why did world population double from 1800 to 1938?" See paper here

Brad DeLong

In this event, we spoke to Brad DeLong, Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He presented his  forthcoming book Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century, described by Paul Krugman as a "magisterial history."

Andrei Zorin

Andrei Zorin, Professor of Russian at the University of Oxford, who has written on nationalism, conflict, and national mythology

Cormac Ó Gráda

Cormac Ó Gráda - Professor Emeritus of Economics at University College Dublin, and expert on Irish economic history. Amongst other topics, Cormac is an expert on the history and economics of famine - including the Great Famine in Ireland.

Astrid Kander

Astrid Kander, Professor at the Department of Economic History, at Lund University. Her main research area is in the field of environmental economic history - and the interrelations of economic growth, innovations, energy and CO2 emissions - from 1800 through to the present. She gave a talk entitled "The current energy crisis in historical perspective".

Duncan Weldon

Duncan is Britain economics correspondent at The Economist and author of Two Hundred Years of Muddling Through: The Surprising Story of the British Economy.

Isabella Weber
Isabella is an Assistant Professor of Economics and the Research Leader for China of the Asian Political Economy Program at the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and author of the highly acclaimed, recently released How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate.

Per H. Hansen

Per is Professor of Business History at Copenhagen Business School - with a special interest in financial crises and the role of banks and central banks in the interwar period.

Alice Evans

Dr Alice Evans is a Senior Lecturer at King’s College London, and currently writing The Great Gender Divergence. This book examines why all countries have become more gender equal, but why some are more gender equal than others.  She is also the host of the excellent 'Rocking Our Priors' podcast - which has featured guests such as Daron Acemoglu and Branko Milanovic.

Svenn-Erik Mamelund

Professor Svenn-Erik Mamelund, of Oslo Metropolitan University has a Masters in human geography from 1998 and a PhD in Demography from 2004. He has 23 years experience in studying the demography of epidemic diseases with a particular focus on the 1918-20 influenza pandemic. Mamelund is head of the Centre for Research on Pandemics and Society and has, since April 2017, been the president of the Norwegian Demographic Society.

Bishnupriya Gupta 

Bishnupriya Gupta is a Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick - where she is also Research Director of CAGE; the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy. She was an editor of 'A New Economic History of Colonial India', and has recently been appointed an editor of the 'Journal of Economic History'.

John Turner

John Turner is a Professor of Finance and Financial History at Queen's University Belfast, and editor of The Economic History Review. He spoke to us about his  book (co-authored with William Quinn) Boom and Bust: A Global History of Financial Bubbles, which, amongst other plaudits, was named by the Financial Times as one of the best books of the year. 

Carl-Johan Dalgaard

Carl-Johan Dalgaard is a Professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen - also affiliated to CEPR and CAGE; Carl-Johan is also an associate editor of the Journal of Economic Growth. He is also Chairman of the Danish Economic Councils. His research has a particular focus on development and growth. 



Last Updated 27.07.2024