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CML’s Rasmus Vangshardt Wins Ministry‘s Elite Research Travel Grant

PhD student Rasmus Vangshardt has been awarded the Danish Ministry of Higher Education’s s Elite Research Travel Grant 2020 of 200.000 DKK

PhD Fellow at the CML Rasmus Vangshardt has been awarded the Danish Ministry of Higher Education’s s Elite Research Travel Grant 2020 of 200.000 DKK. It is part of the so-called “EliteForsk” initiative.

The Elite Research Travel Grant is designed to help talented PhD students perform longer-term studies in some of the best research environments. The Ministry of Higher Education and Science annually distributes up to 20 Elite Research travel grants. 

Rasmus is working on the project The Medievalisms of the World Theatre from Pedro Calderón to Hugo von Hofmannsthal. An Alternative Current in Literary Modernity. He received the price on Thursday 27 February at the Royal Danish Opera House. Read an interview with Vangshardt (in Danish) at the SDU website here. On the ministry’s website, you can read more about the grant in English.

Image: Bronze relief with the motif of the danza de la muerte. Part of the monument to Pedro Calderón de la Barca in Plaza de Santa Ana, Madrid. Photo: Luis Garcia de Madrid/Wikimedia Commons

Editing was completed: 02.03.2020