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Publication. Review: Discovering Intertextual Parallels in Latin and Greek with Tesserae (Julian Yolles)

Julian Yolles reviews the Tesserae Project for the Classical Studies blog.

"Gone are the days when scholars of Ancient Greek and Latin literature relied solely on a prodigious memory and a printed library of classical texts, commentaries, and reference works. Digitized texts and new tools for textual analysis supplement traditional approaches. These methods do not require a physical library, and they promise to save time and to produce new insights.

The Tesserae Project seeks to take advantage of digital corpora to enable the user to find connections between texts."

Read more at: Yolles, Julian. “Review: Discovering Intertextual Parallels in Latin and Greek with Tesserae.” Society for Classical Studies (blog), March 24, 2019.

Editing was completed: 24.03.2019