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CML at Science, Imagination and Wonder: Robert Grosseteste and His Legacy

CML members Elizabeth Tyler, Dale Kedwards, and Christian Etheridge speaking at this Oxford conference.

The Ordered Universe project aims to bring together natural scientists, social scientists, and arts and humanities schoalrs to integrate the conceptual tools of modern science with the textual methods of the humanities to explore the richness of the thought of Robert Grosseteste.

The project is hosting a conference, "Science, Imagination and Wonder: Robert Grosseteste and his Legacy," in conjunction with the International Robert Grosseteste Society, April 3-6, 2018, at Pembroke College, Oxford.

Three members of CML will participate in the conference:

Elizabeth Tyler (York): "Centre for Medieval Literature: Project Presentation"

Dale Kedwards (SDU): "Interstellar Skies"

Christian Etheridge (SDU): "The Adventures of Robert Grosseteste in Scandinavia"

Editing was completed: 28.03.2018