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Medieval Metamorphoses. A Workshop on Ovid and Medieval Commentary Culture

Workshop, Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome, March 20-22, 2019.


Wednesday 20 March

14:00: Opening remarks

Session 1: 14:00-16:00

  • Frank T. Coulson, “Cataloguing the Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on the Metamorphoses: Problems and Pespectives”
  • Robin Böckerman, “The Metamorphoses and the Twelfth Century”
  • David T. Gura, “The Auctor iste Commentator and Ovid's Metamorphoses


Session 2: 16:30-18:30

  • Marek Thue Kretschmer, “Explanations of the Theban Narrative in the Ovide moralisé and the Ovidius moralizatus”
  • Pablo Piqueras Yagüe, “The Order of the Fables in the Ovidius moralizatus
  • Irene Salvo García, “Commentary Tradition and Cultural Heritage: the Classical Past in Vernacular Languages”


Thursday 21 March

Session 3: 10:00-12:00

  • Margareta Fredborg, “Ovidian Quotations in Twelfth-Century Horatian Commentaries”
  • Lisa Ciccone, “Reading the auctores to Become a Poet: the Role of Fourteenth-Century Commentaries on Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Horace’s Ars poetica
  • William Little, “What Commentaries on the Epistula Sapphus Tell Us About Humanist Attitudes Toward Ovid and Sappho”


Session 4: 14:00-16:00

  • Eric Cullhed, “Beauty in Homeric Exegesis”
  • Pádraic Moran, “Glossing Ovid in Ninth-Century Irish and Welsh Manuscripts”
  • Marjorie Curry Woods, “Owning Earlier Literatures”

16:30-18:00: Panel discussion 1: Research update


Friday 22 March

10:00-11:00: Text seminar 1: “Quidam philosophi fuerunt: Ovid and Philosophical Explanations in the Commentaries”

11:00-12:00: Panel discussion 2: Editorial challenges: a micro workshop


13:00-14:00: Text seminar 2: Marjorie Curry Woods, “Evidence of performance in the Medieval Classroom: A Discussion of ‘Boys Performing Girls (and Men)’”

14:00-15:00: Panel discussion 3: Strategies for the future

15:00 Concluding remarks


  • Robin Wahlsten Böckerman, Stockholm University/University of Southern Denmark
  • Lisa Ciccone, University of Zurich
  • Frank T. Coulson, The Ohio State Unversity
  • Eric Cullhed, Uppsala University
  • Margareta Fredborg, Copenhagen
  • Irene Salvo García, University of Southern Denmark
  • David T. Gura, University of Notre Dame
  • Marek Thue Kretschmer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • William Little, The Ohio State University
  • Pádraic Moran, National University of Ireland, Galway
  • Marjorie Curry Woods, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Pablo Piqueras Yagüe, Universidad de Murcia

Organiser: Robin Wahlsten Böckerman, Stockholm University/University of Southern Denmark For more information contact the organiser at

Sessions 1-4 are open to the public. If you are interested in attending, please notify the organiser at

Editing was completed: 20.03.2019