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CML Workshop. Canon, Library, and Medieval Publishing

CML Workshop on 25-26 April 2019 organised by CML and the University of Helsinki

This workshop is co-organized with the Medieval Publishing from c. 1000 to 1500 project at the University of Helsinki.

Contact: Lars Boje Mortensen,

Thursday, April 25

Session 1. 9:30-12:30

Welcome: Lars Boje Mortensen and Samu Niskanen
Aglae Pizzone: Intellectual property and pre-modern copyright: a 12th-century example from Byzantium
Valeria Lovato: Interpreting the paraphrase of the Letter of Aristeas by Isaac Comnenus Porphyrogenitus: political pamphlet, speculum principis or literary display?
A short break
Kristin Bourassa: Two authorial versions of Pierre Salmon’s Dialogues
Valentina Rovere: Manuscripts at dawn: the first circulation of Boccaccio’s Latin works

Lunch. 12:30 - 13:30

Session 2. 13:30 - 17:00.

Réka Forrai: ‘Vestra auctoritate subnixus’ – pontifical approval and the dissemination of Greek-Latin translations
Samu Niskanen: Publishing, rationalistic theology and papacy in the eleventh century
David Runciman: Publication and pastoral care: bishops’ texts in England and Wales (c.1160-1230)
Coffee break

Irene Salvo García: The evolution of the layout from manuscripts to printed versions of Metamorphoses (Latin and vernacular)

Jakub Kujawinski: Late medieval libraries as a means of publishing?

Friday, April 26

Session 3. 9:30 - 12:30

Julian Yolles: Literary success and failure in the Latin East and West: the case of Fulcher of Chartres
Lars Boje Mortensen: The sad success of William of Tyre’s Chronicle
Lauri Leinonen: Published vs. unpublished? William of Jumièges, William of Poitiers and publication in 11th-century Normandy
A short break
Jaakko Tahkokallio: The twelfth-century renaissance and authorial publishing: observations on histories and their audience
Closing remarks

Editing was completed: 25.04.2019