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What does the programme lead to?

All industries have an increasing need to be able to master their data processing professionally, which is why the Master’s Degree Programme in Data Science is organised with different areas of specialization. This is also the reason why all academic Bachelors and Professional Bachelors can apply for the programme.

Denmark is estimated to have a shortage of 3,800 IT workers specifically with a Master’s degree and an interdisciplinary background, such as data scientists graduated from the University of Southern Denmark.

Examples of job titles

  • Data scientist
  • Data analyst
  • Business intelligence developer
  • Data consultant
  • Project manager for AI projects
  • Data manager
  • Data engineer
  • Data architect
  • Data steward
  • Data strategist

Examples of possible future employers

  • The financial services sector
  • Research and educational institutions
  • Industrial enterprises
  • Public authorities
  • Consulting engineering companies and consultancies
  • Tele- and data communications companies
  • Transport companies

Degree qualifications

What exactly makes you particularly attractive in the job market if you take a Master’s degree in Data Science? To a potential future employer, you are your qualifications. Therefore, we here give you an overview of the qualifications that the programme gives you: