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Courses within Robotics and Drone Technology

Within the field of robotics and drone technology, we offer two courses - below, you will find more information about each course.

Please check the individual course descriptions for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.



Drones for Computer Vision Applications

This course will teach you how to construct and fly drones for real-world applications based on computer vision. You will work in teams of 3 students on lab exercises in drone hardware and software, computer vision algorithms, drone operations, and ethics. This leads to a mini project where you construct a multirotor drone and a camera payload, fly the drone outdoors at the nearby national UAS Denmark test center, and then use your computer vision algorithms to post-process the recorded video footage. You will also get presentations of state-of-the-art drone research and innovation. This year's course is linked to the EU project WildDrone

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Odense | Offered by: SDU UAS Centre



Robotics: Fundamentals and Applications

Robots are getting smarter and smarter, and taking over a number of tasks for human beings, and there seems to be almost no end to the utilization of robots as novel robotics applications have been being explored and identified continually. This course will give students an overview of the commercially available robots, their application areas, and the state-of-the-art research activities in global robotics community and SDU MMMI research institute, and help students establish strong connection between robotics theory and applications. To this end, fundamentals in robotics will be introduced in the summer course including Kinematics, Dynamics, Control, i.e., KDC pillar modules in robotics, and more importantly, how these theories can be applied in real cases, which will be integrated into a hands-on mini project. In this mini project, you will have opportunity to work on UR (Universal Robots) robot arms for collision avoidance motion planning and control by using the learnt KDC fundamentals. The fundamentals covered in this summer course are mainly for robot arms, but some of them can be general for other types of robots as well.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Odense | Offered by: SDU Robotics



Last Updated 17.06.2024