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Nordic citizen

First step, when planning to move to Denmark and work at SDU, is the employment contract.
The contract is needed to be able to register in Denmark  and finding a place to live. 

Once you have received your contract, you can begin to search for accommodation.
We recommend, that you start as soon as possible , as it can be difficult to find suitable accommodation especially before the beginning of a semester.

Here you can find more information regarding housing. 


If you are a citizen of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden you are free to enter, reside, study and work in Denmark. You do not need a visa, residence or work permit. Find more information here.

If you are staying in Denmark for more than 3 months, you must book an appointment at one of the International Citizen Service (ICS) to register in the Danish National Register (Folkeregister).  When you have registered, you will receive a CPR number and a health insurance card.  

Important: When you have registered, please inform the following offices about your CPR - number:  the Salary Office, International  Staff Office and the administrative Officer who has drafted your letter of employment.

Please note: A valid permanent housing contract is required for registering. According to ICS, the minimum duration of a permanent housing contract is 3 months. 


When living and working in Denmark, you also need to pay taxes. 

If you qualify for the special tax scheme for researchers, International Staff Office can help you apply. 
Otherwise, you must apply for a tax card.

When you arrive in Denmark to start your work at SDU, it is also very important that you get a Danish bank account as soon as possible. This enables SDU to transfer your salary to your account.

You can open a Danish bank account when you have your CPR number, your yellow health insurance card and a tax card. 

If you  take do not take up residence in Denmark and get a CPR number, you can have your foreign bank account assigned as a NemKonto.


EU/EEA/Swiss citizen

First step, when planning to move to Denmark and work at SDU, is the employment contract.
The contract is needed to be able to register in Denmark  and finding a place to live. 

Once you have received your contract, you can begin to search for accommodation.
We recommend, that you start as soon as possible , as it can be difficult to find suitable accommodation especially before the beginning of a semester.

Here you can find more information regarding housing. 

EU/EEA/Swiss citizens can reside in Denmark according to special regulations and should apply for EU residence document upon arrival to Denmark.

If you are staying in Denmark for more than 3 months, you must book an appointment at one of the International Citizen Service (ICS) to register in the Danish National Register (Folkeregister).  When you have registered, you will receive a CPR number and a health insurance card

Important: When you have registered, please inform the following offices about your CPR-number:  the Salary Office, International  Staff Office and the administrative Officer who has drafted your letter of employment.

Please note: A valid permanent housing contract is required for registering. According to ICS, the minimum duration of a permanent housing contract is 3 months. 

When living and working in Denmark, you also need to pay taxes. 

If you qualify for the special tax scheme for researchers, International Staff Office can help you apply. 
Otherwise, you must apply for a tax card.

When you arrive in Denmark to start your work at SDU, it is also very important that you get a Danish bank account as soon as possible. This enables SDU to transfer your salary to your account.

You can open a Danish bank account when you have your CPR number, your yellow health insurance card and a tax card. 

If you  take do not take up residence in Denmark and get a CPR number, you can have your foreign bank account assigned as a NemKonto.

Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen

First step, when planning to move to Denmark and work at SDU, is the employment contract.
The contract is need to be able to register in Denmark  and finding a place to live. 

If you are a citizen from a country outside Scandinavia, the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you must apply for a residence and work permit in your home country through a Danish mission, i.e. a Danish Embassy or a Danish Consulate General before comming to Denmark.

International Staff Office will start the application process once your contract is issued, and will then inform you of the following process

First step, when planning to move to Denmark and work at SDU, is the employment contract.
The contract is need to be able to register in Denmark  and finding a place to live. 

Here you can find more information regarding housing. 

If you are staying in Denmark for more than 3 months, you must book an appointment at one of the International Citizen Service (ICS) to register in the Danish National Register (Folkeregister).  When you have registered, you will receive a CPR number and a health insurance card

Important: When you have registered, please inform the following offices about your CPR - number:  the Salary Office, International  Staff Office and the administrative Officer who has drafted your letter of employment.

Please note: A valid permanent housing contract is required for registering. According to ICS, the minimum duration of a permanent housing contract is 3 months. 

When living and working in Denmark, you also need to pay taxes. 

If you qualify for the special tax scheme for researchers, International Staff Office can help you apply. 
Otherwise, you must apply for a tax card.

When you arrive in Denmark to start your work at SDU, it is also very important that you get a Danish bank account as soon as possible. This enables SDU to transfer your salary to your account.

You can open a Danish bank account when you have your CPR number, your yellow health insurance card and a tax card. 

If you  take do not take up residence in Denmark and get a CPR number, you can have your foreign bank account assigned as a NemKonto.