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Sustainability Report

After the board of directors at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) made the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals the focal point for the university's ongoing development, it is important to take stock of the work that has subsequently taken place. You can read about this in SDU's Sustainability Report.

We live in a time where research, education, and partnerships are more important than ever in helping society get on the right track towards sustainable development. Universities play a crucial role in finding solutions to major societal challenges and educating future problem solvers.

When SDU decides to make sustainability the focal point, it is important to follow up on the work that has been done in this area. SDU's sustainability reports provide a snapshot of what we did in the respective year to promote sustainability across the University of Southern Denmark.

In the reports, we discuss how we contribute to addressing some of the challenges society faces, and we review the year's events and the results we have achieved.

At SDU, we believe that openness and transparency are important – therefore, the sustainability reports are more than just a status update, providing a snapshot of what we have done in the respective years to promote sustainability across the university. They are a crucial compass that shows how far we have come and in which direction we need to move to continue our sustainable mission.


Sustainability Report 2022

Sustainability Report 2021

Here you can read the Sustainability Report for 2021.

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability Report 2019-2020

Here you can read the Sustainability Report for 2019-2020.

Sustainability Report 2019-2020

Last Updated 27.07.2024