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Aging Research

Aging Research

The object of our aging research is to identify genetic and environmental determinants influencing our health, aging, and life expectancy.
We study how living conditions can affect health both in the earliest parts of life and at the end of life's spectrum. The goal is to identify genetic and environmental factors that are important for health, aging and longevity. 

Why do we age so differently?

During the last 170 years, mean life expectancy for Danes has increased significantly. Part of this increase can be attributed to a generally higher standard of living, but there is a continued large variation with regard to our physical and cognitive abilities in extreme old age. The development implies that the proportion of elderly people in the population is greater today than in the past and therefore there is great political awareness of the health of the aged as well as their ability to take care of themselves.

Is it a goal to live long?

Our figures indicate that the years added our lives are not only years with illness, thay are also good years. The development in life expectancy entails that many people will live for many years with illness, but if the illnesses are diagnosed early and a treatment implemented, some of the consequences may be avoided. Accordingly, many people experience today that they have good physical abilities and are in good health even though they have reached an unusually high age.  

The object is through studies of large groups of middle-aged and aged persons to identify genetic and environmental determinants that influence our health, aging, and life expectancy. The focus is on physical and intellectual abilities as well as on age-related illnesses. Earlier studies have shown that approximately a quarter of the variation in longevity derives from genetic factors, while about half of the variation in physical and cognitive abilities at the highest ages can be ascribed to genetic determinants.   

The research concentrates on the topics:

  • Aging and longevity
  • Physical and cognitive functioning
  • Age-related diseases
  • Sex differences in health and mortality

EBB - Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Biodemography Department of Public Health University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 3029

Last Updated 27.07.2024