News at the Department of Psychology
Inaugural seminar - Professor Mathias Lasgaard
On August 30, 2024, join the Inaugural seminar "Addressing Loneliness: Current Interventions and Future Directions".
New research to enhance understanding of trauma and PTSD
Associate Professor Maria Louison Vang from the Department of Psychology has been awarded a Sapere Aude grant for a project that aims to revolutionise the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD and complex PTSD.
University of Southern Denmark Launches New Psychology Programme in Esbjerg
It is now official: University of Southern Denmark (SDU) will introduce a new psychology programme at its Esbjerg campus starting in the summer of 2025. Preparations are already underway to accommodate 75 students for next year's intake. This initiative stems from a solid partnership between Education Esbjerg and SDU, with significant backing from the Esbjerg Municipality, local foundations, and the business sector.
Text messages to help citizens between the ages of 55 and 80 reduce their alcohol consumption
In a new project, researchers will test whether messages from an app can motivate people to drink less.
Pioneering project on pain and posttraumatic stress symptoms following sexual assault initiated
Researchers from the Department of Psychology, in collaboration with Odense University Hospital and Lillebaelt Hospital, have received a grant of two million Danish kroner from the the Council of the Danish Victims Fund to conduct an ambitious three-year research project.
Who Receives Help Following Sexual Assault?
A new study will investigate access to services at Danish centers for sexual assault. The study will shed light on what happens to survivors who are not offered treatment at these centers.
How psychology can contribute to a strained healthcare system
Researchers present three suggestions on how health psychology and specially trained psychologists can contribute to both prevention and treatment in a challenged healthcare system.
DR og SDU vil lære børn at læse på nye måder
Forskere fra Syddansk Universitet er med i et storstilet projekt støttet af Trygfonden og med DR i spidsen, hvor målet er at styrke læselysten hos alle Danmarks børn.
Are you exercise-dependent? A new test provides you with answers!
Has exercising taken over to such an extent that you might be "addicted" to it? With a relatively simple questionnaire, you can find out.
New leader appointed for the Department of Psychology at SDU
The University of Southern Denmark has found a new department head for the Department of Psychology. Rikke Holm Bramsen, who previously served as the head of Børnehus Midt in the Central Denmark Region, has been appointed to the position and will start on June 1st.
Inaugural seminar - Professor Tonny Elmose Andersen
Join the Inaugural seminar "The link between psychological trauma and chronic pain: mechanisms, management, and future perspectives" on September 28
Vi skal styrke relationerne og det tværgående samarbejde mellem de forskellige miljøer på SUND
Talrigt fremmøde af psykologistuderende til årsfesten
Dansk Psykolog Forenings årsmøde
Department of Psychology moves to other premises
Personfortælling: Prioritering af frivillige, studierelevante jobs baner karrierevejen
Ny arbejdsgruppe på Institut for Psykologi: Lærings- og undervisningsmiljø, inkl. evaluering
Ny studenterrepræsentant til Institutrådet
PhD Oral Defence Session Sophie Lykkegaard Ravn
INVITATION: Inaugural seminar of senior researcher Ole Jakob Storebø
Inaugural Seminar Matthew Burg and Per Carlbring
Kvote 2 optag: MMI
SENSUS – netværket for arkitekturpsykologi får sin første Ph.D. studerende på SDU
PhD Defence of cand.psych. Louise Hjort Nielsen
INVITATION: Inaugural seminar with Adjunct Professor Monika Hasenbring
Inaugural seminar with Professor Frans Pouwer and Adjunct Professor Jane Speight (kun på engelsk)