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New names

New leader appointed for the Department of Psychology at SDU

The University of Southern Denmark has found a new department head for the Department of Psychology. Rikke Holm Bramsen, who previously served as the head of Børnehus Midt in the Central Denmark Region, has been appointed to the position and will start on June 1st.

Rikke Holm Bramsen has previously been associated with SDU, as she was employed at the Department of Psychology from 2011 to 2018. During her time there, she was appointed associate professor in 2015. Additionally, she served as the head of studies for the psychology program at SDU from 2014 to 2017, and founded and led the research group ThRIVE from 2014 to 2018.

Concurrently with her work at SDU, she also held a 20% position as research manager at the Center for Rape Victims, Aarhus University Hospital from 2017 to 2018.

As the new department head, Rikke Holm Bramsen is looking forward to being part of the continued development of the department:
- The high complexity of addressing psychologically related issues calls for the establishment of strong interdisciplinary networks. And with the completion of the new HEALTH building, where SDU in Odense is consolidated under one roof with Odense University Hospital, exciting opportunities arise to build socially relevant research and educational collaborations I look forward to working with the department's employees and being part of these collaborations.

Børnehus Midt, where Rikke Holm Bramsen has been the head since 2019, offers a coordinated regional and cross-sector approach in cases of abuse against children and young people. Since the beginning of 2023, she has also been the head of Fønix Midt, a regional initiative focused on the assessment and treatment of children and young people with sexually concerning behavior.

- Rikke's research background and her experience as the head of institutions where psychological skills areapplied make her an obvious choice as the head of the Department of Psychology. At SDU, the psychology program and the department's research are focused on practical application in the treatment of patients in hospitals and practices, so Rikke's experience is precisely what is needed at SDU. Additionally she has leadership experience and a strong scientific foundation, says Ole Skøtt, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at SDU.

Rikke Holm Bramsen earned her master's degree in psychology in 2006 and her Ph.D. in 2010, both from Aarhus University. Her research has primarily focused on the field of abuse, with a particular interest in evaluating primary prevention efforts and exploring cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary approaches to addressing abuse against children and young people.

Meet the researcher

Rikke Holm Bramsen earned her master's degree in psychology in 2006 and her Ph.D. in 2010, both from Aarhus University. Her research has primarily focused on the field of abuse, with a particular interest in evaluating primary prevention efforts and exploring cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary approaches to addressing abuse against children and young people.


Om Rikke

Hun er født og opvokset i Aarhus Vest, men flyttede med familien til Ry i 2015. Udover ægtefællen, Nikolaj Holm Bramsen, tæller familien to sønner på 15 og 19 år. Fritiden går med at rejse, læse, sommerhusophold, sport og samvær med familie og venner.


Editing was completed: 11.05.2023