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Exhibition on health and sustainability comes to SDU

The exhibition ‘Healthy Future’ will soon make its entrance at SDU. However, the exhibition will first be shown at the Climate People's Meeting in Middelfart before moving on to SDU. The exhibition focuses on health research at the intersection of climate and sustainability. Later, it will also be presented at SDU's campus in Esbjerg.

The exhibition is a collaboration between the Faculties of Health Sciences at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark, and the aim is to use seven portraits to highlight the resource crisis and environmental development that in many ways affects both the planet and human health.

Sund Fremtid udstilling

"With this exhibition, we want to show that there are talented researchers at universities across the country who actually take this seriously. The researchers portrayed here are all helping to make a difference - and we want to show the world that we can still make a difference," says Ole Skøtt, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at SDU.

The exhibition will be displayed outdoors and the 7 portraits of the 8 researchers are set up on 7 exhibition boxes that can withstand wind and weather. It is a travelling exhibition that was first exhibited at the University of Copenhagen and will now make a stop in Middelfart and then move to locations under the auspices of SDU for inspiration and knowledge sharing.

"I hope this exhibition will be an inspiration to current, new and future students. So they can see that it is possible to combine a career in health science with doing something good for climate and sustainability. And I hope that our researchers will be inspired too. As well as the public who pass by or visit us here on campus," says Dean Bente Merete Stallknecht from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Copenhagen.

Sund Fremtid udstilling

The exhibition has just moved from the University of Copenhagen to the waterfront in Middelfart, where it will adorn the waterfront on the occasion of Klimafolkemødet, which is held from 29 - 31 August 2024. The exhibition will then move to SDU in Odense and later this year it will move to SDU's campus in Esbjerg.

If you want to read more about the project and the research - and not least see the pictures - you can find it all at

Researchers on display

From SDU:

  • Jens Troelsen & Kaya Roessler: On the influence of physical surroundings on mental and physical health
  • Tanja Schmidt: About bicycle promotion
  • Tina Kold: On PFAS and toxic substances
  • Sidsel Arnspang Pedersen: On the climate footprint of pharmaceuticals

From KU:

  • David Nogués Bravo: On the consequences of the biodiversity crisis for the development of new medicine
  • Peter Kjær Mackie Jensen: On climate refugees in Bangladesh
  • Anna-Sofie Stensgaard: On vector-borne diseases
Editing was completed: 29.08.2024