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Julia Bronnmann about Talent Track: It encourages me to always strive for new knowledge and to develop myself further

Associate Professor Julia Bronnmann has been part of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences’ talent programme for young researchers, SAMF Talent Track, from day one. Here, she shares what it has meant for her to participate in the programme.

What impact has Talent Track had on your career, ambitions, and goals?

Participating in the Talent Track programme has provided me with opportunities to present my research ideas to colleagues, receive constructive feedback and refine my approach. Moreover, it has strengthened my ambition to contribute to the field of sustainability and food security.

It also gave me the opportunity to set clearer goals for my research and professional development. In particular, having a mentor with many years of experience at SDU was beneficial. Particularly, the first meeting with my mentor was super helpful and informative for me in relation to how I would like to position myself.

How has your participation in Talent Track influenced your professional and personal development?

The culture of continuous learning and the various opportunities that Talent Track offers, such as workshops for successful project proposals, has given me an attitude of continuous learning that encourages me to always strive for new knowledge and to develop myself further.

What is the most exciting thing in your career right now?

I will soon have my own project-based research group thanks to the Carlsberg Foundation – Semper Ardens Accelerate grant. I am looking forward to that as leading research initiatives and mentoring junior researchers will develop my leadership skills and reinforce my ability to guide and inspire others.

What advice would you offer to other researchers who are joining Talent Track?

Keep your goals clearly in sight. But along the way: break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable milestones. This will help you track your progress and keep you motivated.

Continuous improvement and a steep learning curve are the keys to growth, regardless of specialty, as this is the only way to stay well informed about your field and opens doors to opportunities you never knew existed.

Meet Julia Bronnmann

Julia Bronnmann is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business and Sustainability at SDU, where she researches sustainability and food security.

Visit Julia's website

Talent Track

The Talent Track is an initiative at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at SDU, launched in 2021, which supports young researchers with extraordinary potential. Individual career-boosting activities are organised for each participant. The initiative is also a forum for networking and knowledge sharing among the faculty’s emerging research talents.

Find more information on the Talent Track website.

Editing was completed: 04.07.2024