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Research Projects at SDU Robotics

Research Projects

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Ongoing Research Projects at SDU Robotics


  • Adaptive Control and Programming by Demonstration for Disassembly (2024-2025) - Read more

  • AirCare - AI-augmented Robotics for CAncer point of caRE (2024-2028) - Read more

  • ALMA - Automated lay-up processes in  manufacturing of wind turbine blades (2023-2026) - Read more

  • CAPeX - Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery (2023-2036) - Read more
  • CoLeCT - Control and Learning of Contact Transitions 

  • Design for Disassembly (2022-2024) - Read more

  • DIREC-Mobility - Mobility Analytics using Sparse Mobility Data and Open Spatial Data (2021-2024) - Read more
  • FacilityCobot (2020-2023) - Read more

  • FIT4WELD (2023-2025) - Read more 

  • Fluently - The essence of human-robot interaction (2022-2025) - Read more

  • FREYA - FutuRE robotic Yield monitoring for Agriculture (2023-2024) - Read more

  • GREMEOH - Green H2 and MeOH in DK (2023-2024) - Read more

  • Human-Like Grasping and Manipulation (2024-2025) - Read more

  • HospiBot (2023-2026) - Read more
  • IPJ - The Intelligent Patient Journal (2020-2023) - Read more
  • IMPRESS (2023-2024) 
  • LSP - Large Structure Production (2022-2023) - Read more
  • PIRAT - Programming Ignition for Robotic Assembly Tasks (2019-2023) - Read more
  • R4R - Robots for Retail (2023-2024) - Read more
  • RAPID - Robotic Arterial Puncture and Insertion Device (2022-2024) - Read more
  • RoBetArme (2022-2025) - Read more

  • SENSIBLE - Symbiotic tEleoperatioN for Safe and cost-efficient wInd turBine bLade maintEnance (2023-2027) - Read more
  • ShipWeldFlow - Digital Twins for robotic unit welding analysis and optimization in ship production (2020-2024) - Read more

  • SPATAIS - Sorting Plastic And Textiles using AI driven sensing Solutions (2022-2024) - Read more
  • Surgical Data Vault (2023-2024)
  • Thorax (2023-2026)

  • VelKoTek (2024-2027) - Read more
  • VIOLA (2023)

SDU Robotics University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 16.08.2024