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Recent reviews

Review: Tissue Engineering of Small-Diameter Vascular Grafts and Their In Vivo Evaluation in Large Animals and Humans
Shu Fang, Ditte Gry Ellman & Ditte Caroline Andersen (2021) Cells

A Systematic Exposition of Methods used for Quantification of Heart Regeneration after Apex Resection in Zebrafish
Helene Juul Belling, Wolfgang Hofmeister & Ditte Caroline Andersen (2020) Cells

Concise Review: Patency of Small‐Diameter Tissue‐Engineered Vascular Grafts: A Meta‐Analysis of Preclinical Trials
Ida Skovrind, Eva Bang Harvald, Helene Juul Belling, Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen, Jes Sanddal Lindholt & Ditte Caroline Andersen (2019) Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine



Last Updated 20.10.2023