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Research networks

 EXE collaborators within SDU

  • Clinical Locomotion Science, SDU including the Back Research Centre in Middelfart
  • The research Unit at the H.C. Andersen Pediatric Hospital in Odense University Hospital (OUH).
  • The Genetic Epidemiologic Research Group, (Institute for Health Services Research, University of Southern Denmark).
  • Mental Health (The Research Unit for Child and Youth Psychiatry, OUH).
  • National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark (SIF).
  • Accident Analysis Group, OUH
  • Reseach Unit for Dietary Studies, Institute for Preventive Medicin, Copenhagen University Research
  • The Trygfond Centre for Applied Reseach in Hesalth Promotion and Disease Prevention

 EXEators  collaborconcerning the European Youth Heart Study (EYHS)

  • The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo.
  • Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
  • UCLM University Toledo, Spain
  • University of Bristol, England.
  • University of Cambridge, England (research group concerning epidemiologic and genetic research).
  • Univeristy of Vienna, Austria
  • Medical Centre, VU University Amsterdam, Holland
  • Center for Sport and Health Sciences, Iceland University of Education, Iceland.
  • The Research Group for Back Problems and Genetics (Tulane, USA; Oulu, Finland).

EXE collaborators concerning child intervention studies

  • Malmö University and Malmö University Hospital (The Bunkeflo intervention group).
  • The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences,Oslo
  • Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane (the Sogndal intervention project).
  • Institute of Inflammation Research, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
  • Pediatric Clinic II, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
  • Department of Exercise and Sports Science, University of North Carolina, USA 

Last Updated 19.10.2023