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Daniel Anthony Howard attended the 1st Energy Informatics.Academy Conference Asia, Beijing, China (remotely) and won the best presentation award

From the 29th to the 30th of May 2021, Daniel Anthony Howard (remotely) participated in the 1st Energy Informatics.Academy Conference Asia, in Beijing, China. He presented his paper that is titled “Greenhouse Industry 4.0 – Digital Twin Technology for Commercial Greenhouses” at the conference. And to be noticed, Daniel won the best presentation award at the conference. The Energy Informatics.Academy Conference Asia gave an opportunity to discuss the application of digital technology and information management theory and practice to facilitate the global transition towards sustainable and resilient energy systems.

Please check more information on The 1st Energy Informatics.Academy Conference Asia (EI.A Asia 2021) .

Please check out the presentation on Greenhouse Industry 4.0 – Digital Twin Technology for Commercial Greenhouses .

Editing was completed: 29.05.2021