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New employee Postdoc Erika Zvingilaite

Erika Zvingilaite is employed as Postdoc at Center for Energy Informatics

Erika Zvingilaite is employed as Postdoc at Center for Energy Informatics from August 1st 2015.

Erika Zvingilaite has background as an Energy Engineer (MSc in Thermal Engineering) from Vilnius Gedimina’s Technical University in Lithuania, and Sustainable Energy Planning (MSc) From Aalborg University. She finished her Ph.D. thesis “Health Externalities and Heat savings in Energy System Modelling” at the Technical University of Denmark in 2013. Additionally, Erika has industrial experience from heating and smart energy sectors as well as energy consultancy.

Her main research interests are within modelling of intelligent energy systems and networks and demand response. Erika is going to focus on teaching at and further development of Bachelor and Master Degree programs in Energy Technology. Furthermore Erika will contribute to several research areas (smart energy systems, networks and ecosystems) and further development of the center’s research.

Editing was completed: 03.08.2015