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Courses within Software Engineering and Computer Science

Within the field of software engineering and computer science, we offer four courses - below, you will find more information about each course.

Please check the individual course descriptions for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.



Continuous Delivery and DevOps

During the course you will learn to apply software engineering practices and tools from professional software developers. The course in Software Delivery and DevOps is organized by Eficode and SDU and you will get tips and tricks on how to use Git, Docker, Jenkins and more. After completing the course, you will be able to: 1. Construct a continuous delivery pipeline and apply it on a small software project, 2. Apply professional tools for build, test, and deployment automation, 3. Demonstrate DevOps mindset, 4. Compare Continuous Delivery and DevOps with other software engineering approaches, describe their prerequisites, benefits and barriers, 5. Explain how continuous delivery can support innovation experiments and value creation.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Odense | Offered by: SDU Software Engineering



CyberSafe: Mastering the Art of Cybersecurity

The course will be a immersive course designed to cater to students and professionals interested in cybersecurity. The course will cover the basics of cyber-security including the cyber threat landscape, network security, information security, cyber-security applications in IoT and robotics, cryptography, security awareness and best practices, incident response and digital forensics and legal and ethical aspects of cybersecurity.  The course will include practical labs and hands-on exercises to give participants the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a safe and controlled environment. The practical experiences will help attendees to deepen their understanding of cybersecurity concepts. The course will be thought by cybersecurity experts from both academia and industry, to provide the participants with basic knowledge and advanced concepts coupled with practical insights from real-world experiences.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Sønderborg | Offered by: The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute



Deep Learning

Machine learning has become a part in our everyday life, from simple product recommendations to personal electronic assistants to self-driving cars. Especially deep learning has gained a lot of interest in the media and has demonstrated impressive results. This intensive course will introduce you to the exciting world of deep learning. We will learn about the theoretical background and concepts driving deep learning and highlight and discuss the most noteworthy applications of deep learning but also their limitations. Furthermore, you will also apply and implement your first deep neural networks in order to solve various interesting machine learning tasks.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Odense | Offered by: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science




Last Updated 17.06.2024