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Courses within Environmental Engineering

Within the field of environmental engineering, we offer one course - below, you will find more information about the course.

Please check the course description for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.



Engineering for Sustainability

The course provides you with skills for understanding the challenges of sustainable development. You will get an introduction to Environmental System Analysis theory, methods and tools. You will learn when and how to apply such methods to the engineering tasks of assessing and designing sustainable solutions. We apply a systems approach throughout the course, and you will get insight into some of the societal frameworks and concepts to sustainability such as Industrial Ecology, Industrial Symbiosis, Circular Economy and Bio-Economy as well as the concept of Cleaner Technology/Best Available Technology and its role in EU environmental regulation. You will get an introduction to some of the core tools, e.g. Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Odense | Offered by: SDU Life Cycle Engineering



Last Updated 17.06.2024