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The master’s degree programme in Audiology (Master of Science in Audiology) increases your skills. There is also a greater emphasis on scientific and theoretical aspects, and you will learn how to combine research with practice.

Through your studies, you acquire increased independence, and you learn to compose a research programme independently and to assess the quality of other people’s research.

Audiology offers great freedom of choice

The master’s degree programme allows you to choose some of the courses yourself, thus allowing you to acquire greater knowledge about those subjects you are interested in. Read more in the programme regulations here.

The master’s programme also contains a project-oriented course, which can be a precursor to your master’s thesis. Here you may have the opportunity to create projects in existing audiology research environments at SDU or together with companies in the Danish hearing aid industry. This allows you to, for example, examine your own ideas and projects in practice or evaluate the existing practice through small-scale studies.

You are responsible for planning the contents of the course yourself, and you can partly decide which areas you want to prioritise and how to weight theory and practice.

Why study Audiology?

  • You acquire a wide range of subject-specific competences that you can expand on when choosing your electives.
  • Graduates holding a Master of Science degree in Audiology have excellent job opportunities both now and expectedly in the future as well. Unemployment figures are very low.
  • There are audiology jobs in both the public and private labour markets.