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Specific admission requirements - recognition of equivalent academic qualifications

When you apply for a study programme, you must meet certain specific admission requirements. These are subjects that you must have passed at a certain secondary school level.

If you do not meet the requirements, the University may recognise you as having equivalent academic qualifications if you can prove that you meet the admission requirements in some other way.

Who can apply for recognition of equivalent academic qualifications?

You can apply for recognition of equivalent academic qualifications if, for example, you have passed a type of test in the subject area in question in the context of another course of study, through which you have acquired academic qualifications equivalent to the specific admission requirements.

Please note that you can only apply for an exemption based on the above criteria. Therefore, you are not eligible for exemption because you have relevant work experience, have been affected by exceptional circumstances, or because you haven’t had the opportunity to take the required courses. 

When we assess your qualifications, we compare them with the academic level and content of teaching in the corresponding upper secondary subjects (STX/HF/HHX/HTX).

Apply for recognition of equivalent academic qualifications by 15 March at 12.00 noon

To apply for recognition of equivalent academic qualifications, please: 

  1. Complete and submit SDU’s applicattion form for exemption
  2. Complete and submit your application for admission at Here you must upload evidence of your qualifications, such as diplomas and course descriptions from other educational institutions.

Getting a reply 

You will receive a reply to your application in SDU’s self-service solution,  

Initially, you will only receive an answer as to whether your academic qualifications can be recognised as equivalent to the specific admission requirements. If so, your application for admission will be treated on an equal footing with other applications.



Last Updated 01.11.2024