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Questions about the programme?

As a future student you might have questions about the academic content of the study program as well as the life as a university student. Please contact our academic student advisor who attends the programme him or herself.

Receive a call: Write an email to receive a call. State your phone number in the email.
Book a meeting: Write an email to book a meeting with the academic adviser.

Since the academic adviser is also a student, you should expect a few days’ response time.

Questions about admission or entry requirements?

The SDU Department for Admission provides counselling about entry requirements and admission, grade point average (GPA), legal claim, admission procedure etc. If you need a talk about your choice of study, the admission department is ready to answer your questions.

Contact the counsellors in the Admission office: See how and when

Everyone experiences doubts

We have lots of talks with future students about their considerations regarding choice of study. Below we have listed some of the questions frequently asked:

Often asked questions