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Climate initiatives at SDU

  SDU’s current climate initiatives are based on the Climate Plan, adopted by the SDU Board in December 2021. The Climate Plan contains a number of initiatives to help reduce SDU’s greenhouse gas emissions. The initiatives are categorised into four packages:

  • Campus, buildings and operations
  • Circular resource consumption
  • Transport
  • Behaviour, involvement and communication

This version of the Climate Plan contains the initiatives that will initially be prioritised in a three-year implementation wave running from 2022 to 2024. The table below provides an overview of the initiatives launched in 2022 as part of the first wave of implementation. More efforts will follow in 2023 and 2024 and in the coming implementation waves going towards 2030.

If you want to know more about the individual initiatives, please contact the SDG HUB at SDU at You can also submit suggestions and ideas for new initiatives here.

Campus,buildings and operations

Expansion of SDU’s supply network and security

In the period 2022–2024, the energy supplier’s transformer stations will be phased in, thereby giving SDU overall responsibility for them. This extension of SDU’s supply network will increase the possibility for sending electricity from SDU’s solar park to its own buildings, rather than sending surplus power to the national grid. In the longer term, the extension will also create opportunities for expanding SDU’s solar park and installing superchargers for electric cars.

Sustainability certification of laboratories

In 2021, SDU laboratories were the first in Denmark to receive sustainability certification from Green Lab, as employees have significantly reduced energy consumption. The certification was given to laboratories at IMM and BMB. In 2022, it was decided to initiate a process that will lead to certification of other laboratories at SDU.

Mapping the sustainability of buildings

In the autumn of 2022, the first steps towards a mapping of operational buildings were taken to investigate in which aspects of sustainability the buildings and building operations are doing well and also to make improvement opportunities visible. The results of this mapping are expected to be released during 2023 and 2024.

Circular resource consumption

Consumption programme

From 1 January 2023, a consumption programme will be implemented, which will apply until 2026. This will strengthen the circular economy at SDU in relation to the procurement and use of goods and services. This will be done through increasing requirements for suppliers upon entering contracts, for example, in terms of ‘take back’, lifetime extension, certifications, etc. and the follow-up of contracts to ensure supplier compliance with sustainability requirements. There will also be more consumption analyses, standardisations and common goods, as well as an expansion and greater use of the SDU used goods exchange. Finally, a disposal strategy will be developed.

Installation of waste sorting stations

Waste sorting stations with five compartments will be installed on the Odense campus during January 2023. Waste sorting stations on campuses outside Odense will subsequently be installed during 2023 in accordance with municipal schemes.

Recycling of plastic from laboratories

Laboratories have a high consumption of plastic in connection with the purchase of disposable laboratory products and plastic packaging. At the same time, plastic from laboratories is of a high quality and is in demand in terms of plastic recycling. To this end, the work on further sustainability certification of laboratories at SDU will both reduce consumption and increase the recycling of plastic. As part of the recycling process, it has been decided to purchase a granulator that can granulate the used plastic for sale to external stakeholders.


Travel policy

A new travel policy for SDU employees will enter into force on 1 January 2023, in which climate considerations are incorporated. The travel policy will be included in SDU’s travel rules. The travel policy will be supported by initiatives to create visibility around climate-conscious travel choices and transparency about travel behaviour across SDU (report with travel data).

Digital and hybrid meetings

In 2022, the fitting out of meeting rooms with equipment enabling high-quality digital and hybrid meetings began. Initially, a meeting room will be set up on each campus to gain experience with the meeting forms. This initiative will be supplemented in 2023 by skills development for staff on digital and hybrid meeting formats, as well as an initiative to raise awareness of this option.

Installation of charging stations

As mentioned, the extension of the SDU supply network will allow the installation of superchargers for electric cars. Due to long lead times for components for this extension, installation of superchargers is not expected to start until late 2024 at the earliest. It has therefore been decided that in the meantime a small number of regular charging stations will be installed on the campus in Odense. It is expected that this will be completed by mid-2023.

Behaviour, involvement and communication

Establishment of the SDU Climate Panel

In June 2022, the SDU Climate Panel was established with the participation of three VIPs (academic staff), three TAPs (technical/administrative staff) and three students. The University Director chairs the panel, which will advise University management on the University’s work with the climate plan. Since its establishment, the Climate Panel has held four meetings.

Newsletter about the work with SDU’s Climate Plan

Two newsletters have been issued to staff, students and external stakeholders about the work with SDU’s Climate Plan. The newsletter currently has around 300 subscribers. The newsletter supplements pages on SDU’s websites with news and information about the University’s climate and sustainability work.

Climate Ambassadors

28 employees completed the climate ambassador training course in September 2022. The climate ambassadors will contribute to promoting climate-friendly behaviour at SDU through local experiments, actions and dissemination. Since the training course, a total of three network meetings have been held. The goal is for SDU to have 100 climate ambassadors. The next course will start in February 2023.

Last Updated 27.07.2024