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Department of Economics


GrantsVolha Lazuka wins prestigious Sapere Aude Grant  

Associate Professor Volha Lazuka is among this year’s recipients of the Independent Research Fund Denmark’s Sapere Aude grant, awarded to top researchers within their field. She will examine the effect of initiatives and reforms that have been implemented for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to become equal members of society.


Kronik: Danske udvandrere belyste vejen for amerikansk mejeri-industri

Danish immigrant groups played a key part in developing the American dairy farming industry in the late 19th century. And in this article by Junior Professor Nina Boberg-Fazlic and Professor Paul Sharp you will learn how and why that happened, who were the key drivers of change and what technologies they brought with them. A not only enjoyable but also enlightening read.



Eulogy for Peter Sudhölter

With great sadness we announce that our esteemed colleague Peter Sudhölter passed away on April 2, 2024. Peter battled cancer and underwent multiple surgeries, but unfortunately, the cancer had spread extensively, and he peacefully passed away. We will remember Peter as an outstanding and highly active researcher at the Department of Economics.

Peter made significant contributions to research and was a precious member of our academic community. He will remain a cornerstone in the field of game theory, particularly in the realm of cooperative games.

Peter's alma mater was the University of Bielefeld, where he earned his PhD degree at the Department of Department of Mathematics in 1988. In 1994, he was awarded a doctoral degree from the University's Department of Economics. He worked at the University of Bielefeld until 2001, when he joined SDU the Department of Economics.

Peter was a world-renowned researcher in the field of cooperative game theory. His book “Introduction to the theory of cooperative games”, co-written with Belazel Peleg, has now more than 1,000 citations and is widely recognized as a reference in the field. With sixty-one published papers, Peter will be remembered for his significant contributions to game theory, mathematical economics, and operations research.

In addition, Peter was associate editor of several scientific journals in game theory and operations research: International Game Theory Review, International Journal of Game Theory and Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.

He was also a visiting researcher at several universities, including the University of Barcelona, the University of Rovira i Virgili, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Vigo, the Universities of Reus and Barcelona, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and IAE, Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. His international collaborations have enriched our academic environment and strengthened our network across national borders, and he played a great host to visiting researchers at the Department of Economics.

Peter was also a passionate organizer of workshops and conferences, including the 12th European Meeting on Game Theory (SING12), the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, and the 7th Game Theory, Economics and Mathematics Workshop. 

Peter was 66 years old. 

Our thoughts are with his wife Maria and their three adult children. 


Kronik: Højere løn til kvinder betaler sig for alle, siger nobelpristager

A very interesting article by Hanna Vakhitova, from the Department of Economics, has been featured in Erhverv+. In this article, Hanna Vakhitova extensively discusses Nobel laureate Claudia Goldin's research on women's participation in the labor market. The article delves into Claudia Goldin's concepts, and Hanna Vakhitova also integrates her own insights based on her research.

Click above to read the full article (only available in Danish).


The Honorary Alumnus Award 2023

The Honorary Alumnus Award 2023 at SDU was awarded to Camilla Sylvest, a cand.oecon student, who is now the Chief Executive Officer for Commercial Strategy & Corporate Affairs at Novo Nordisk. This prestigious award was presented during the Annual University Celebration on the 24th of October. Rector Jens Ringsmose had the honor of handing the award to her at Novo Nordisk in Bagsværd.

Click above to watch the actual handover and listen to Camilla Sylvest's acceptance speech.


Kronik: Hvad bestemmer vores succes i livet?

A very interesting article by Professor Gregory Clark about the importance of heredity and environment for people's social outcomes. By using extensive records of births, marriages, deaths, literacy, and employment in England, Gregory Clark and Neil Cummins have created complete genealogical records of a large variety of English families spanning nearly ten generations and comprising 422,000 people. With this rich database, he is able to provide some new insight into this perennial question of the classic dispute between heredity and environment. Published in Erhverv+. 

Click above to read the full article (only available in Danish). 


PNAS publication: The inheritance of social status: England, 1600 to 2022, by Gregory Clark
There is widespread belief across the social sciences in the ability of social interventions and social institutions to significantly influence rates of social mobility. In England, 1600 to 2022, we see considerable change in social institutions across time. Half the population was illiterate in 1,800, and not until 1,880 was compulsory primary education introduced. Progressively after this, educational provision and other social supports for poorer families expanded greatly. The paper shows, however, that these interventions did not change in any measurable way the strong familial persistence of social status across generations.

Click above to read the full article.


Kronik: Er kontoret fortid?

A very interesting article by Professor Gregory Clark about one of the most noticeable consequences of the shutdowns during corona. In the US it has resulted in an abundance of empty office spaces.  The question becomes whether  we can spare office spaces as well as transportation time, without loosing productivity by letting employees work from home? Published in Erhverv+.

Click above to read the article (only available in Danish).


Kronik: Det aldrende samfund - udfordring eller krise
A very interesting and relevant article by Professor Jørgen T. Lauridsen about the demographic challenges of an ageing population - and how important it is that policy-makers understand the elderly people’s opinions, needs, and expectations in order to better predict the societal consequences of ageing in the future. Published in Erhverv+.

Click above to read the article (only available in Danish).


Joint applications for Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Fellowship positions at SDU’s Econometrics and Data Science research group
The Department of Economics is looking for excellent and highly motivated researchers to submit joint projects under the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships action. If successful, the project will lead to a position at our university for two years as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow.

Candidates must hold a PhD degree (achieved within at most the last 8 years), and must not have worked or lived in Denmark for the previous 36 months at the time of application.

Expressions of interest must be forwarded by 15th March 2023 to (Karla Douw, research support officer). Selected candidates are invited to participate in a Marie Curie PF masterclass at SDU in Odense on 8th May 2023. For further information, please contact: Prof. Giovanni Mellace,

Click here for more information about the position.


Kronik: Fremtidens økonomer uddannes i dag
A very interesting article by Christian Kronborg, associate professor and Head of Studies at the Department of Economics, about the need for the next generation of economists, who are being educated today, to master a combination of economic theory, historical understanding, and advanced data analysis in order to help solve the challenges of the future. Published in Jydske Vestkysten, Vejle Amts Folkeblad, and Erhverv+ Sydjylland. 

Click above to read the full article (only available in Danish).


New role for Professor Kjeld Møller Pedersen
From the 1st of December 2022, Professor Kjeld Møller Pedersen will become a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Economics. 

Kjeld Møller Pedersen began his academic career at SDU almost 50 years ago, and in that time he has become a highly recognized and widely known expert in the field of health economics and health policy, and during the Covid-19 pandemic he was one of the most cited Danish researchers. He is a published author and co-author of many books, and apart from his extensive academic work he has worked as an Amtssundhedsdirektør and as a CEO of LEGO Group. Additionally, Kjeld has been and will continue to be a member and chairman of numerous central advisory boards, commissions, and committees. 

More information can be found in this press release from the Department of Economics, or in this news update from the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (both are only available in Danish).


New research position available at the Department of Economics
We are looking for a researcher with strong competences in economic history to participate in a dedicated and ambitious research team led by Gregory Clark. 
As always when we are recruiting candidates, it is of utmost importance that we find the right person. In order to do so, we have chosen to use American Economic Associations job portal, JOE (Job Openings for Economists). Thereby we are increasing the likelihood of reaching as many relevant candidates as possible - also internationally. 

You can see the job description here:

Deadline for applications is on the 20th of November 2022.


Kronik: Dette enkle værktøj kan hjælpe dig med at træffe bedre forretningsbeslutninger
A very interesting article by Huanren Zhang about the effects of confirmation bias on business decisions. Published in Jysk Fynske Medier in Erhverv+.

Click above to read the full article (Only available in Danish).

New PhD student at the Department of Economics
We are happy to announce that Yujia Yang has joined the Department of Economics as a PhD student. Yujia will working on behavorial topics and will be supervised Huanren Zhang. We warmly welcome Yujia to the department.

Visiting PhD student at the Department of Economics
We are happy to announce that Peng Niu has joined the Department of Economics as a visiting PhD student for 1 year.  Peng Niu is working on the topic The effect of digital technology on innovation efficiency and will be supervised by Huanren Zhang. We warmly welcome Peng to the department.

Top researcher joins the Department of Economics at SDU
Gregory Clark, a world-leading economic historian, will be moving from the University of California, Davis to SDU next year, thanks to a grant of DKK 10 million from the Danish National Research Foundation.

Click above to read more.

As a renowned economic historian, Gregory Clark will also participate in the research group HEDG (Historical Economics and Development Group) at SDU. Click here to visit the HEDG website. 

Kronik: Indlemmelse af Ukraine vil gøre EU mere østeuropæisk
A very interesting article by professor Thomas Barnebeck Andersen about the potential effects of Ukraine joining the EU as a member state, published the newspapers Erhverv+ Fyn,  Erhverv+ Sydjylland, and Jydske Vestkysten.

Click above to read the full article (only available in Danish).

Artikel: Kreativiteten stiger, når fjenden angriber
Wars affect the creativity of artists differently depending on the type of war. Artistic activities are increased in defensive wars, but drop significantly on the opposite side of the front in the country leading an offensive war. A study from SDU by Karol Jan Borowiecki has taken a closer look on classical composers’ activities during various wars.

Click above to read the full article (only available in Danish).