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PhD Oral Defence Session Benjamin Hoffmann-Petersen - 23.03.2021 - PhD Oral Defence Session

"The course of childhood asthma - Epidemiologic risk factors and the role of serum Surfactant Protein D and Microfibrillar- Associated Protein 4"

Date and time:

23.03.2021 at 14:00:00


 Committee of Examiners:

MD, MRCPCH, MBChB Dr Clare Murray,
Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network Children’s Lead, Division of Infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine,
School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester

Associate professor DMsc Bent Helmuth Klug,
Department of Paediatrics, Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark

Professor, PhD Christian B. Laursen, (chairman)
Department of Pulmonary Medicine/KI, Odense University Hospital/SDU

Main supervisor:

Ass. Professor Lone Agertoft,
Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark

Editing was completed: 11.03.2021