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The Department of Regional Health Research (IRS) is involved in the following education programs at the bachelor's, master's, and PhD levels.

IRS has six coordinating clinical associate professors who act as the link between the Faculty of Health Sciences and the hospital departments that receive students for clinical internships and research stays.

Hospital Sønderjylland: Coordinating Clinical associate professor, Dr. Marianne Breddam
Hospital South West Jutland: Coordinating Clinical associate professor, Dr. Per Heden Andersen
Lillebælt Hospital, Kolding: Coordinating Clinical associate professor, Dr. Anders Jordy
Lillebælt Hospital, Vejle: Coordinating Clinical associate professor, Dr. Ejler Ejlersen
Lillebælt Hospital, Middelfart: Coordinating Clinical associate professor, Chiropractor Casper Glissmann Nim
Across centers: Coordinating General Practitioner, Dr. Martin Andersen

Last Updated 27.07.2024