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WRITE - Writing Resources for Clinical Research

Reporting research and Publication ethics

Information on structure of a manuscript and reporting guidelines, submission process, peer review, and identifying predatory journals.

Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE

Guidance on Code of Conduct and Best Practice in publication; how to handle common ethical problems and ensure integrity in research publications

Here you can find the Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE


Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

  • Three basic principles: Honesty, Transparency, Accountability
  • Ethical issues associated with research planning and conduct, data management, publication and peer review, collaboration, authorship

Here you can find the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity


Read about "Potential, possible, og probable" Predatory Publishers

... in other words, open-access journals where you may not want to submit your article or serve as editor

Here you can read about "Potential, possible, og probable" Predatory Publishers

A searchable database of reporting guidelines and links to academic writing resources

Here you can find the EQUATOR Network

You enter a manuscript title, abstract, og keywords, and JANE finds the best matching journals, authors, or articles by comparing your document to millions of others in Medline

Here you can find JANE - Journal/Author Name Estimator

Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of research in medical journals

Here you can find the ICMJE - International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

Lang, T. A., & Secic, M. (Eds.) (2006). How to report statistics in medicine: Annotated guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physicians

Lang, T. (2009). How to write, publish, and present in the health sciences: A guide for clinicians and laboratory researchers. Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physicians

Last Updated 27.07.2024