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The department's research, teaching and knowledge sharing are based on studies of human movements and the musculoskeletal system in the broadest sense. The research ranges from a humanistic-social science perspective on the relationship between movement, culture, health and society to a biological-medical perspective, including the normal functions of the musculoskeletal system and its disorders and dysfunctions.

In exercise science research, special focus is placed on physical activity in a life-course perspective, where the target groups are: children – adults – the elderly. Exercise and physical activity are seen as means of prevention, health promotion, treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation.

In addition to basic research, the department focuses in particular on intervention research and implementation, including the development of evidence-based treatments, as well as best practice and quality assurance in teaching, prevention, fitness and health promotion.


Research units

The research of the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics is organised in nine research units.

More information about the research units