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Presentation at Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano

A Post-Anthropocentric Paradigm for Marketing and Consumption in the Anthropocene

Presentation by Prof. Søren Askegaard, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

With the point of departure in two recent papers (Askegaard et al. 2024; Remy et al. 2024), issues of post-anthropocentric nature-culture relationships and their impact for consumption and marketing will be discussed. The focus will be on the paradigmatic implications of biosemiotics as a way to understand the continuity of life processes between human and other species.

Askegaard, S., Bajde, D. &  Arnould, E. (2024). “Post-Anthropocentric Transformations of Consumption in the Anthropocene: Beyond the Nature-Culture Divide”, in E. Weik, C. Land & R. Hartz, eds., Handbook on Organizing Economic, Environmental and Societal Transformation, Berlin: de Gruyter, 49-67.

Rémy, E., Roux, D. Arnould, E., Askegaard, S., Beudaert, A., Galuzzo, A., Giannelloni, J-L. & Marion, G. (2024), “Look up! Five research proposals for rethinking marketing in a post-growth society”, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, English Edition, 39(1), 73-93.

Editing was completed: 16.09.2024