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Education at SDU Galaxy

We have a passion for space! If you have as well – there is an opportunity for you at SDU Galaxy! As a cross-faculty network, we combine engineering and science in many research-based education opportunities with focus on educating students to improve life on earth by learning in space.

When the earth is not enough: Astronomy!

Did you know: the physics controlling the stability of our galaxy also controls the climate evolution? And effectively also the climate change we experience on earth? - You can apply for "physics" or "physics and technology" and learn more about this!

Broaden your view: With the "Specialization in Astronomy" you can educate yourself on the solar system, galaxies and the entire universe!

DISCO - Danish Student CubeSat Programme

Along with three Danish universities, we at SDU have joined forces with the Danish Industry Foundation and created the satellite programme DISCO, which targets students to develop CubeSats. We aim at maintaining and enhancing Denmark's position within CubeSats by supporting students' interest in science and space. 

Are you an engineering- or science student enrolled at SDU? And do you want to participate in developing actual satellites which will go to space? Then do not hesitate to download and fill out the DISCO application form, and we will return to you with any opportunity available!

Example bachelor project: Assessment of 1U CubeSats as Space-Based Radio Antennas

The central aim in this project is to find suitable antenna configurations along with deriving key considerations for the payload design of a CubeSat.

Specifically the development, manufacture of prototypes and testing of key radio antenna components as payload design for a 1U CubeSat envelope (1U=10x10x10cm) will be a main deliverable of the project.

The system will provide data for image reconstruction of black holes as an example. This will be validated and explained how to do in practise an underlying analysis will explain how this is dependent on the placement of radio telescopes. This part will be investigated with a publically available code used within the Event Horizon Telescope.

Facts about DISCO

  • The programme, which originates from the Ministry of Eduaction and Research's Partnership for Space-Related Education, is set to run from 2021-2023
  • 4.25 million DKK grant from the Danish Industry Foundation
  • DISCO will meet industry standard for compentencies within space, and help secure qualified candidates for the space start-ups
  • Focus will be on design, construction, test, launch and CubeSat use 

Information for high school students


SDU Galaxy Space Camps

At SDU Galaxy we will meet the Danish high scool physics theme "Space" in 2021-2024. We will invite high school students with Physics on Danish A-level to learn more about space under themes like: International Space Station, Satellites and Universe & Climate. Keep an eye out on our webpage for future updates!

Space Related Educations at SDU

More space related education opportunities will be announced soon!
Keep an eye out for the official "Space Related Education" list from the "Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science partnership" soon!

Through the SDU Galaxy network we enable opportunities for students to join companies for internship programmes, student projects and as graduates.
As the video explains, such experience creates job- and future collaboration opportunities.

Read more on collaboration opportunities

Last Updated 27.07.2024