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University of Southern Denmark Launches New Psychology Programme in Esbjerg

It is now official: University of Southern Denmark (SDU) will introduce a new psychology programme at its Esbjerg campus starting in the summer of 2025. Preparations are already underway to accommodate 75 students for next year's intake. This initiative stems from a solid partnership between Education Esbjerg and SDU, with significant backing from the Esbjerg Municipality, local foundations, and the business sector.

By SUND Kommunikation, 4/19/2024

Both the Bachelor’s and subsequently the Master’s programmes have received approval from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, a strategic move aimed at retaining graduates in the region post-study.

- At SDU, we are committed daily to achieving the highest standards in research and education because it adds value to and with the community – and because it underpins the core mission of our university. The new psychology programme marks an important chapter in emphasising SDU’s regional roots in Southern Denmark, states Jens Ringsmose, Rector of SDU.

The programme's development, in close collaboration with public and private sector entities alongside Education Esbjerg, has been well-received.
- We are incredibly pleased to have successfully introduced another significant programme to Esbjerg. The demand for psychologists in Southwestern Jutland is high, and in four out of ten instances, recruitment efforts for psychologist positions are unsuccessful. Special thanks first and foremost to the city’s foundations, which have made this possible, and of course, thanks to SDU, with whom we have had an exemplary collaboration, comments Lone Saaby, Director of Education Esbjerg.

The programme’s approval has sparked considerable enthusiasm in Esbjerg, including comments from Mayor Jesper Frost Rasmussen (V):

- The introduction of the psychology studies to the city is of great significance to Esbjerg. It will provide a much-needed influx of new psychologists in the region and also strengthens Esbjerg as a city that is wonderful to study, work, and live in. The establishment of the new programme is a prime example of what we can achieve when we unite our efforts and pull together, says Jesper Frost Rasmussen.

Focus on Academics and Well-being

The ambition for the programme is to concentrate on academic rigour, well-being, technology, and particularly the alignment with the needs of public and private sector employers in Southern Jutland to recruit psychologists.

This approach is combined with Education Esbjerg's E.1 concept, which not only focuses on student well-being but also incorporates learning and the use of new technology, as well as opportunities for practice-oriented teaching during the course.

- It is a great joy that we have now approved a psychology programme based in Esbjerg. The need for psychologists in South and Southern Jutland is very high and has not been met by the existing Danish educational offerings. The Institute of Psychology at SDU is a young institute, where both education and research are conducted at a very high academic level, which we look forward to extending to Esbjerg as well, adds Ole Skøtt, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at SDU.

Facts about the programme

  • The first intake of students for the programme is scheduled for the first half of 2025, with studies commencing on 1 September 2025.
  • The psychology programme is a five-year university education, consisting of three years of Bachelor's studies followed by two years of Master's studies.
  • SDU in Esbjerg will offer 75 places for the Bachelor’s degree in psychology. This will result in approximately 350 new students in Esbjerg when all cohorts of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are fully enrolled. The Master's programme will commence once the first batch of Bachelor’s students have completed their three years of study.
  • The development of the psychology programme in Esbjerg has been supported by several local foundations: Claus Sørensen's Foundation, Esbjerg Foundation, Lida and Oskar Nielsen's Foundation, and Johan Hoffmann's Foundation.
Editing was completed: 19.04.2024