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Pernille Tanggaard Andersen Becomes New Department Head at SDU

Professor Pernille Tanggaard Andersen has been appointed the new head of the Department of Public Health (IST) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), a role she steps into from her position as vice head of the same department.

Pernille Tanggaard Andersen is a professor and research leader in health promotion and health sociology, and has dedicated the past 15 years to researching social inequalities in health. She recently served as the campus leader for SDU in Esbjerg.

- I have truly enjoyed working with my colleagues and my time in Esbjerg. However, the opportunity to lead the department was one I could not turn down. It is a workplace I know very well, but I am also excited to help shape its future. During my time as vice head, I found IST to be an incredibly dynamic workplace with a distinctive profile, robust international research environments, highly skilled staff, and effective educational programmes. I look forward to embarking on this new chapter, says Pernille Tanggaard Andersen.

Her research has been focused on understanding how to foster greater health equity, enhance well-being, and structure the healthcare system so that those most in need receive the best possible support. She has previously held positions as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences at SDU, an assistant professor at the Centre for Labour Market Research (CARMA) at Aalborg University, and holds a PhD from the University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University, completed under the national research programme GEP (Gender, Empowerment, and Politics).

The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at SDU, Ole Skøtt, is delighted with Pernille Tanggaard Andersen's new role:

- We are eagerly anticipating Pernille’s start. We have already established a strong collaborative relationship with her, and this new role will only enhance our connection. Pernille is not only highly respected but also incredibly capable, and we greatly value both traits in our faculty. Her familiarity with the responsibilities of her new role gives us every confidence that she will make a significant and positive impact.

Pernille Tanggaard Andersen has been with SDU since 2005 and will commence her new role as department head on June 1, 2024.

About Pernille Tanggaard Andersen

Pernille is 51 years old and lives in Sædding with her husband, Tage K. Kristensen, a parish priest, and their two adult children. She grew up in Funen and moved away at age 19 to begin her university studies. Her leisure time is spent with family and friends, enjoying good literature, music, and cultural travel.

Meet the Researcher

Pernille Tanggaard Andersen has been with SDU since 2005 and will commence her new role as department head on June 1, 2024.


Editing was completed: 06.05.2024