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The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at SDU goes beyond the obvious in utilising intellectual curiosity to co-create high-impact knowledge for the benefit of society.

We continually strive for the highest quality to make a difference and have a considerable impact both inside and outside academia. The goals of the Faculty’s activities are societal relevance and value co-creation.

We define high-quality research as the creation of new knowledge published in esteemed journals or with esteemed publishers within specific fields, knowledge with an impact and influence on society, as well as knowledge that earns the respect of advanced research environments.

In all research activities we strive to co-create and engage with societal institutions and key stakeholders in our regional, national, and international ecosystems, including private businesses, public organisations, universities, and other educational institutions. We continually seek to challenge our surroundings with the latest knowledge and contribute with solutions and novel ideas for how to make a difference.

The Faculty has around 400 researchers, and our research ranges from classical economics and business disciplines to journalism, law, sociology, and political science.


Last Updated 27.07.2024